My telegram chat bots + Your Traffic {proven results}


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
We have been converting traffic since 2009 and I've been a BHW member since 2014. Our team has built some awesome chatbots that can convert inbound leads to telegram on any niche depending how we setup the templates and triggers. Dating/adult/cam/w4m is our main priority. We provide your own login so you can see inbound leads and earnings. We can also pay on a per lead baises if you're not interested in splitting revenue, but if you have good leads you will make a lot more money splitting earnings.

We can also convert leads in health, finance and gambling. We're also not opposed to building a custom solution if you have something very unique that requires it.

Add me on Skype: heiko.viceoffers

Feel free to ask any questions on this thread. If you prefer telegram over skype drop your username and i'll add you!
Cheers & Happy Earnings!
Hi, I'm interested :)

Do you have some kind of FAQ or a website where I could understand better how exactly does the process looks like here? I mean of course it's CPA, but with some extra steps ;)

Also - do your chatbots convert leads for services like SMM?
I'm fine with NSFW niche as it happens to be my main one too btw.

In any case - DM me, let's talk :)
Hi, I'm interested :)

Do you have some kind of FAQ or a website where I could understand better how exactly does the process looks like here? I mean of course it's CPA, but with some extra steps ;)

Also - do your chatbots convert leads for services like SMM?
I'm fine with NSFW niche as it happens to be my main one too btw.

In any case - DM me, let's talk :)
I sent you a DM
It doesn't have to be the NSFW niche. If you are able to generate inbound leads to the chat bot we setup for you you can promote anything really. Your own offer or a CPA from any niche.