My story and adventure to over £8,000 in social media.

Good job man!

Concerning the "better way" question. Well, it depends on your audience..If they are all teenagers, then keep doing what you are doing and throw in a contest (with CPA locking) from time to time. That's the only way that works with teens these day since well they don't have money :D
Cheers man!

Yeah I have looked into CPA locking but just don't know which website to use or what to have the contest be if you get me. It's hard finding the best "bait" for them to hook onto :)
Your grammar is perfect, why are you apologizing?

On a side note, congratulations! Your only loss was that you didn't find BHW earlier. Haha.
I'm not usually very good with writing big paragraphs aha but thank you!

I know, I wish I had found it earlier, maybe I could have used what I have in a better way.
Very wise for you to admit to success at such an early age.

Bragging might make you look a tad suspicious and over optimistic about the overvaluation of a couple hundred.

Make sure you don't obsess over that as it may make you unprepared for the future and to be honest that is pennies for some people on the other end of the world.
Thanks for sharing your story. One question though: how do you manage to get 10,000 followers per week?
nice story and good work op at such a young age! i hope you find someone to point you in the right direction. :)