My Site Almost Got Hacked This Morning And it was only the beginning


Power Member
Jan 5, 2021
Reaction score
What A Nice day this is .

Waking up and finding that your site is under attack , after 4 hours of searching into it .
it's fixed .
2 hours later i go to the gym i find it closed for the first time .
i go to the gas station the guy gets payed and does not fill my thunk with any gas and he swears he did - my dashboard shows that he did not add it .
Day is only in the middle pray for me
Well, I can only hope that you have a good day ahead despite having these things happen to you at the start of the day. If you focus on the negative, you will only encounter negative stuff. Let the guy have a little bit of money if it's not too much, but next time be careful.
Take the rough with the smooth. Life's a bitch then we die.