MY Site # 6 with 97,000 searches


Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys, Help me out here. I have a site at #6 on google with 97,000 searches a month for the search term in Broad. Now if you put the keyword in "Phrase " I am # 2 with 27,000 searches a month. I am getting 6 visitors a day????? I mean what the heck is going on. All #'s for times searched I got from google adwords keyword tool.. I just cannot figure this out..Its driving me crazy.. Please any input would be Greatly Appreciated.

so give half of 900 to the #1 position

so if your #2
then say 300 hits a month = 10 hits a day maybe minus a few

seems about right...

or maybe im a little buzzed and confused??????
I think your math is wrong, you factored in the month more then once. Based on YOUR calculations his daily hits should be 300(when correcting your equation).

From what I know the number one position usually gets around half, then the second getting less, and the third getting even less, and so on and so forth. But 6 visitors a day does sound rather low, are you going after a product keyword and the actual product itself ranks above you? That may tHe majority of your traffic. It may also be an authority site that your competing with for traffic, they tend to soak up more traffic then non authority sites.
Posted via Mobile Device
No authority sites ahead of me. The site is only 2 weeks going now. I can definitly get it to #1 probaly within the next 2 weeks. But I beleive I should still be getting Much more traffic. I mean my god,I am # 2 with (according to google )27000 searches a month? It just stumbles me. ANd #6 without quotes with 97000 searches monthly in the United states alone
The keyword tool can be pretty inaccurate for some keywords...I'm #1 for a term that supposidly gets 1.2mil searches a month & I get less than 5 visitors a day from that one keyword.
Holy **** I didnt know it was that bad.. Ok then, what software can i use that doesnt get its information from google adwords. I have lots of it (:) ) I cant rely on google again if its that far
Holy **** I didnt know it was that bad.. Ok then, what software can i use that doesnt get its information from google adwords. I have lots of it (:) ) I cant rely on google again if its that far

I actually just checked the keyword it now says it gets 1.5mil a month and the keyword is believable..I sometimes would use adwords traffic estimator inside my adwords account - you enter keywords & it tells you how many clicks your ad should get so it gives you a better idea but not perfect - Any keywords I have tried that said "89 clicks per day" or similar I generally got what they estimated. Other samurai possibly?! i'm sure someone else will chime in ;)