My new game plan to make money!!


Power Member
Nov 22, 2010
Reaction score
Instead of making a website that is dedicated to one product, Im going to make a niche site that is for multiple products and niches ( low competition )
It's just going to be an informative blog with unique articles.

Keyword research is second nature to me now, thanks to BHW so It shouldn't be any trouble to create an article on a low competition keyword. That way I can traffic from all different types of sources and all types of clickbank products to go with my articles.

I'm trying this prototype out to see if it works so don't knock my idea lol!

Should I make A blogger blog or a squidoo lens? Because I don't have any money right now to afford another domain since my ballerina diet website is not doing so well. I was thinking about getting a or a .tk and hosting it on wordpress, but I'm pretty sure a blogger subdomain would outrank those anyway. Since they are usually used for spam anyway.

Im going to post 5 articles per day
Ping each article
Bookmark each article on 1 Digg account

Wish me luck!! I'll post my results here in a week
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Um. Godaddy has a $1 coupon right now. If you need a $1 domain, let me know.

Lol when I said no money. I literally meant no money lol. Let me know if they are doing 8 cent domains :D. I saw that offer though, and I would've definitely bought it. Any money that I'm expecting to receive thanks to IM won't be until like Mid-January
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You do design work, no? I could use a few things, maybe you could make the money to get a domain and hosting or something. PM with what skills you have and we can talk.
I didn't ask you if you needed a $1 coupon code. I said if you need a $1 domain, let me it I'll pay the $1.06 for a domain. Need your name server info though.

Oh my gosh for real?????? I'll pm you!!!
Subdomains from or .tk will not do, some of those services are banned from google so you better off with a top level domain. Use coupons or do keyword research as a service to raise money for the domain name and web hosting.
Thanks to Marusia I now have the domain i wanted for my site!!!! ***REMOVED DOMAIN - I"m getting too much traffic from BHW - It gets my hopes up when I think it's from other people but it's not lol*** THANK YOU SO MUCH
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Lmao...yea uhhh I'm a male. "I made this account for anonymity reasons a while back and I used an inside joke between me and my friends for my account name. "
You're in for some trouble, man. IM'ing without money in the manner you're proposing? You're not going to get much traction for a while, be prepared for that. I strongly suggest you get some sort of job to raise funds.
You're in for some trouble, man. IM'ing without money in the manner you're proposing? You're not going to get much traction for a while, be prepared for that. I strongly suggest you get some sort of job to raise funds.

What do you mean by in for some trouble? I'm doing pretty well as an internet marketer I believe without any start-up funds. The only domain that I did buy was for my ballerina diet website, which I made some type of revenue with. It wasn't above $25, but hey. Also I earned a lot of money with Amazon Associates. It doesn't seem like I'm heading into a downward direction. Please expand on that.
What do you mean by in for some trouble? I'm doing pretty well as an internet marketer I believe without any start-up funds. The only domain that I did buy was for my ballerina diet website, which I made some type of revenue with. It wasn't above $25, but hey. Also I earned a lot of money with Amazon Associates. It doesn't seem like I'm heading into a downward direction. Please expand on that.

I was assuming you were starting from scratch with this new plan (i.e. you really don't have any money) in which case I was saying I wouldn't count on having money for living anytime soon. Although as you say you have revenue coming in from other areas, so you can ignore my previous statement.
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itsthepollgirl, i thought you were tring the google alert method?
itsthepollgirl, i thought you were tring the google alert method?

Lol I'm doing that too. I can't just settle with one method. I might end up turning this website into a review site for all types of products that come out.