Easy way to create lots of unique Youtube videos
I have found on the internet a lot of adverts where users offer making a unique videos from user posted photos.
I want show You, how to make this kind of videos for FRE E
Ok - without any unnecessary talking, just go to work
What you need?
You need access to any computer/server that run Linux with 'ffmpeg' program.
You can use your own computer with Ubuntu Linux distribution (or any other).
I prefer to use my own VPS server for that purpose.
If you use Ubuntu or any other debian based distribution, and you don't have ffmpeg, just execute this as root:
apt-get install ffmpeg
Prepare about 500 (or more) JPG fles with any content - it could be fun, or could contain 'beautiful womans'
Make few folders named imgX, where "X" is a number 1..N.
If you want to have 10 directories, name it like:
- img1
- img2
- img3
- img4
- ...
- img10
Try to use all images in the same size (for better quality)- I know, it's not so easy, so use any software (like batch conversion from IrfanView) to resize it.
Prepare file named outro.jpg with the same size like other files. This file contains any adverts that you want to put at the end of your movie (website address, any images etc.).
Put this file in main dir of your project.
Find any music that you want to use as a background in your movie. I suggest to use music on Creative Commons license, to not break any Youtube rules.
Rename your music file to "music.mp3", and put it into the same place wher you put outro.jpg.
Now make a EMPTY folder named "tmp" in the same place, where you have "img1" to "imgX" folders.
The script!
Put into file "makevid.sh" this code (it's my script):
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
echo "You must tell me, how many folders should I scan!";
while [ $hm -gt 0 ]; do
echo "*** Working on directory $hm";
x=1; for i in img"$hm"/*jpg; do counter=$(printf %03d $x); ln "$i" tmp/img"$counter".jpg; x=$(($x+1)); done
counter=$(printf %03d $x);
cp outro.jpg tmp/img"$counter".jpg
cd tmp
ffmpeg -r 0.1 -b 1800 -f image2 -i img%03d.jpg -i ../music.mp3 ../out"$hm".avi
rm *.jpg
cd ..
Now you should have structure like this:
- img1/
- img2/
- img3/
- ...
- img50/
- tmp/
- outro.jpg
- music.mp3
- makevid.sh
Making videos!
Run a terminal, and go to your project folder.
Now type into terminal:
./makevid.sh 50
Where "50" is the number of "img" folders that you made.
This should take a while (on my computer it's about 15 seconds per folder).
After this process, you should have 50 files named from "out1.avi" to "out50.avi" - that's your movies!
Now you should download any bulk upload software, or outsource video uploading process to any 'kid'
That's all. :feedback:
P.S. If you are interested, I can prepare for You a windows version of this tool - just let me know on priv.
p.S. Sorry for my english - I'm Polish
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