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My journey with Instagram + Affiliate marketing (by copying an ig guru)


Regular Member
Mar 9, 2016
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Hello everyone :)

My name is Anastasia and I am from Greece! I have been reading into IG for a while but now it's the time for me to make it happen!

My experience:

I have grown niche accounts and sold them after a little while. Also, have promoted a dropshipping and made a few sales but gave up after a little while! I think i have a pretty good knowledge of growing IG accounts and the science behind it!

My though process:

I have noticed a German guru promoting his 7$ course on Instagram and posting every day stories that he makes a living through IG and have moved in Dubai living his dream life. Also, he claims to have made 1.000.000 $ from affillate marketing with a 15k instagram account.

So, a logical person would think, if he has a successful formula that made him 1m why would he sell it for 7$? Doesn't make sense! But, he is instead a 20 year old living in Dubai so he does something right.
All his money notifications are from Digistore24 which is a german company similar to Clickbank where his course is on the marketplace and he gets commisions from the sales of his affiliates. So, he makes money from selling a course to teach people how to make money. Like, every typical scammy guru. But, I think for 7$ his course has a lot of valuable information about growing instagram accounts so you get your value back.
What I want to do is not buy his course and be his customer, but promote his course and be his affiliate where I get a cut from his already establised success.

My plan:

To create a motivational niche Instagram account!
What I will do is : create my own content (create my own brand and for future use later)
put a lot of value in my stories so people watch them and trust them
grow with all the free methods available
fake my success until I am successful :D

What I have done:

I have signed up as an afilliate and got my link
Created a canva pro account free thanks to this thread : https://www.blackhatworld.com/seo/method-how-to-get-canva-pro-free.1213384/
Started created my own content
Created my own logo

I think it will be interesting to see how this journey goes.
I know the guru that you are talking about and here's some insider about how he earns so much - That guy charges 120$ extra for some mastermind group which he doesn't mention outside.When you buy his course,the option of getting into the group is auto-checked and if you don't see it,you probably spend 120$ extra without even knowing that you did.:)
I know the guru that you are talking about and here's some insider about how he earns so much - That guy charges 120$ extra for some mastermind group which he doesn't mention outside.When you buy his course,the option of getting into the group is auto-checked and if you don't see it,you probably spend 120$ extra without even knowing that you did.:)

Yeah, when researching I saw someone complaining about this issue, but I haven't bought his course yet so I don't know.
Don't you think this is a pretty crowdy niche...??I've worked in this niche so imo

Good luck with your journey.... :)

Yes it is! But I am creating original content, not reposting the same pictures that have been reposted 1 thousand times with the same quotes lol! So, that will make my account more creditible and stand out from the crowd!

Also, this is a fun expirement not my main source of income! :D
Yes it is! But I am creating original content, not reposting the same pictures that have been reposted 1 thousand times with the same quotes lol! So, that will make my account more creditible and stand out from the crowd!

Also, this is a fun expirement not my main source of income! :D
A little suggestions op you can contact that guru and do partner with him for commission for Every client you bring in.
Good plan, I am gonna follow your step as the journey, but I am not use affiliate, I will sell my own product,
A little suggestions op you can contact that guru and do partner with him for commission for Every client you bring in.

that's what I am doing. I am getting 50% of every client that I will bring him.
That guru is definitely up selling his bonuses and also doing affiliate marketing with his students
Are you using the affiliate network you mentioned or you promoting his eBook directly ?
is that product you promoting is good or crappy one?

For 7$ it brings a lot of value, especially for someone new at IM! I will buy it myself and check it out also soon!

How you will grow the account?

I will begin with f/u and then by mostly hastags because I will have origina; content and I think it will rank better than the reposted ones.
Are you using the affiliate network you mentioned or you promoting his eBook directly ?

I am using Digistore24. But, my product is not on the marketplace. You have to search in other places to find the affiliate link and link it to your Digistore24 account.
I started Instagram 1 week ago, and risedecoded (free software here in bhw) has been working well for hashtag research for me. But I know shit about hashtags, maybe you can do better. Also, I guess you won't be using your personal account for this right? Otherwise your family and friends will think you falled on a piramid scheme or something.
I started Instagram 1 week ago, and risedecoded (free software here in bhw) has been working well for hashtag research for me. But I know shit about hashtags, maybe you can do better. Also, I guess you won't be using your personal account for this right? Otherwise your family and friends will think you falled on a piramid scheme or something.
This software helped me out too. Manually researching hashtags was a drag so it frees up more time for other things.