My Journey to Financial Freedom with Instagram


Registered Member
Aug 29, 2014
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Hello everyone.

I've had many journey failures in the past on here. School has taken up a lot of my time and I feel I wasn't going in the right direction with my journeys. I am very serious about this one this time since I have a free week off from classes. The reason why I am determined is because I'm in a not so great situation. I need to move out of my parent's house (I'm not going to get into the details... it's rather personal) and in order to do so I need to be financially independent. I am unable to get a job because soon, I need to intern 40-50 hours a week at an internship site for an entire year (yes you heard me correct... an entire year UNPAID). To get on my feet, I want to work on building a 2-4 Instagram accounts in a few niches and would like to see great gain ins a matter of a few weeks so I can start monetizing and offering shoutouts/sponsored posts.

I already have Followliker. Right now I need to focus on which niches can will grow the fastest, which photos will be of interest to my followers, and how to appropriately engage with my followers so I can continue gaining more.

If anyone could give me any advice along the way, that would be great. I will definitely be doing some reading as well. Furthermore, I understand that a lot of Kik/GroupMe groups are exclusive for bigger accounts, but if someone is generous enough to help me out, could you PM me a group's name? I really want to move on and get to a better place. I would be so grateful and appreciative of any help I can get.

Thanks for following. :) I will be keeping a daily update on here as I go along.
Best of luck on your journey, look into evergreen niches, babes, luxury, fashion, travel and then dig deeper for some sub niches and you can start there.
I have seen some animal pages, specifically a corgi page (type of dog) and it literally grew 17k in 1 week of starting the account, I have been following it, and it's been several weeks (3-4 now) and the account has 50k+. Has an incredible engagement rate too, about 25-30%.
Thank you! I just started with one fashion based account that is geared toward a specific niche for women. I threw it in FollowLiker and have it set to following people from bigger popular pages of the same niche. I have 5 short comment variations spinning on tags I set it to comment photos for. I shall see what happens. Right now I have 5 photos posted to start out with. I'm not getting much engagement even though I have about 5-7 major tags in them. It's only been 30 minutes anyway since I started (only have 5 followers so far lol). I shall see what I get in 24 hours.

My next niche will be beauty based. Then I want to pick one fitness/health niche.
I'm pretty passionate about dogs. I can picture myself doing something like that! That is so interesting! Thank you. :)

Fashion niche instagram: 148 followers/750 following. I'm not getting much engagement. So far have 6 photos up that I thought were pretty but they got around 10-15 likes.

Fitness niche: Just started this one today. 45 followers/108followings and have 5 photos posted. Not much engagement since I'm just starting. Only 5 likes per photo.

I started one more fashion niche account but haven't started that one yet.

I'm a bit discouraged. I appreciate getting the followers but I notice a lot of them are 'spam'. Plus I'm not getting many likes/comments even though I have some tags targeting the niche I want. I'm a little lost on what to do, since I've seen other accounts from others skyrocket real quick.
On Followliker I have the default settings for following/liking/commenting. I have 6 comment variations. For following, I have the setting to follow users from 3 large fitness instagram accounts that I personally follow myself.
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Day 2

Fashion niche 1: 203 followers / 237 following. 10-25 likes per photo. 7 photos uploaded so far.
Fashion niche 2: 73 followers / 581 following. 10-30 likes per photo. 4 photos uploaded so far.
Fitness niche: 176 followers / 780 following. 20-30 likes per photo. 7 photos uploaded so far.

I'm not where I want to be at all. I'm not sure if it is slower today because today is Christmas Eve and tomorrow is Christmas. I need to figure out some more strategies, but I'm still a bit lost.

If anyone has any input it would be greatly appreciated. :)
Im sorry to tell you this but the average account will only gain 200-300 followers per day without buying shoutouts and all that. And you wont be able to monetize very effectively with only a few accounts until they have 10-20k followers. Not saying its impossible to see good income coming in within the first few weeks, but its pretty hard with a small number of accounts.
Good luck with your journey. I have one simple advice for you, don't go with general niche like fashion, beauty and so on. Pick a sub-sub-niche and it will be more easier to manage and attract high quality followers.
Day 6
Very poor results and I'm TRYING. :(

Fashion niche 1: 386 followers / 447 following. 40-60 likes per photo. 10 photos uploaded so far.
Fashion niche 2: 222 followers / 706 following. 40-60 likes per photo. 4 photos uploaded so far.
Fitness niche: 271 followers / 415 following. 20-30 likes per photo. 8 photos uploaded so far.

Should I be posting more often? Any tips? I don't understand what I am doing wrong. :(
Whats the bad results?
Are you following / unfollowing same day?

And no, only upload 1-3 posts per day.
Thank you for your input!
I was looking to gain followers at a lot faster rate. Others are gaining 100-200 per day, I am not. I'm gaining much less. But I am reaping in the likes.
I am unfollowing every other day.
I will focus on keeping 1-3 posts per day. Thank you! One question - what constitutes a 'high quality' post? A lot of people say this, but I've never understood the definition of what qualities this consists of.

I think what DJP said above is a great idea. Narrow your niche down a little e.g If you were looking at Cars for example maybe you could look at supercars or classics just for example.

What are you followlikr settings? I am on a similar journey to you and I am gaining around 300 - 450 followers a day

I started a new account 5 days ago and I have had the bot running for just under 3 days. I am currently up to 1200 followers today being the best day at over 450!

Let me know if you want some help with the followlikr settings I may be able to help!

In the two fashion niches, I got it narrowed down to a specific niche. Not gaining as much traction as I thought though. We shall see!

Scrape users to follow: I'm scraping them from one of the top 3 accounts in the niche I am in.
Scrape photo: I have 8 queries I am targeted, all 'relevant', scrape only top result.
Follow limit: 10-20, daily limit 500-600, delay follow 50-70 seconds, ignore private users.
Unfollowing: unfollow after 1 day, unfollow limit 5-10, daily unfollow limit 500-600, delay 50-70 seconds, blacklist unfollowed users, don't unfollow followers
Like limit: 15-20, daily like limit 800 - 1000, delay like 30-60 seconds.
Comment limit: 2-3, daily comment limit 50-100, delay comment 80-120 seconds, comment on user photo only once, I have 7 spun comments (different)

I have it running 24/7!

I would love to do Famebit but at this rate it doesn't look like I'm getting there anytime soon! Hopefully though... I'll remain hopeful!
In the two fashion niches, I got it narrowed down to a specific niche. Not gaining as much traction as I thought though. We shall see!

Scrape users to follow: I'm scraping them from one of the top 3 accounts in the niche I am in.
Scrape photo: I have 8 queries I am targeted, all 'relevant', scrape only top result.
Follow limit: 10-20, daily limit 500-600, delay follow 50-70 seconds, ignore private users.
Unfollowing: unfollow after 1 day, unfollow limit 5-10, daily unfollow limit 500-600, delay 50-70 seconds, blacklist unfollowed users, don't unfollow followers
Like limit: 15-20, daily like limit 800 - 1000, delay like 30-60 seconds.
Comment limit: 2-3, daily comment limit 50-100, delay comment 80-120 seconds, comment on user photo only once, I have 7 spun comments (different)

I have it running 24/7!

I would love to do Famebit but at this rate it doesn't look like I'm getting there anytime soon! Hopefully though... I'll remain hopeful!

thanks for the input it will sure help a lot.
Hey OP, I have also started a IG journey, but here's what I'm doing: I have only one account, I don't follow anyone, I'm in a high potential niche posting at least 5 images a day with 20-30 tags. I now have 900 organic followers that came from my tags, posts and other users that comment on my images. I don't use the follow-unfollow method because, for me, it's not that effective. You will get people that follow you for 1-2 days and then unfollow you or you will get unfollowed because you have unfollowed them previously.

I tried to post only 3 iamges a day, but I didnt't got that many followers. With at least 5 and up to 10-15 images, I get around 20-30, in the best day I got 180 followers( from 1 image that got viral).

I have observed other pages in my niche, the ones that post 1-3 images are those whith 500k-1m+ followers. One account that has like 200k followers is posting around 15 images a day and gets 500-1000 followers a day.

I'm not saying this method is the fastest, but it's for those who have patience and want true organic followers.

Once I hit 10k with this IG, I will open 2-3 more and give them shoutouts.

Good luck with your IG, keep us updated! :D
I am updating you guys on my epic failure of a journey. I don't think anyone has ever failed this badly by TRYING. I am ditching my other two accounts and keeping one of my fashion ones. They are not taking off at all, even with Follow Liker moving along at a good pace.

My fashion one that I am keeping is at 586 followers/1641 followings with 10 photos posted. Each are getting 80-100 likes with about 2-5 comments each. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong at this point.

I'm considering of wanting to possibly purchase an IG account with active followers already... if anyone is willing to be kind to be affordable.

I'm trying to think of some other niches to try. I just don't understand why I'm not taking off. I'm literally gaining only 10-20 followers a day with Follow Liker settings at a reasonable setting.

Sorry for the failure, guys.
I am updating you guys on my epic failure of a journey. I don't think anyone has ever failed this badly by TRYING. I am ditching my other two accounts and keeping one of my fashion ones. They are not taking off at all, even with Follow Liker moving along at a good pace.

My fashion one that I am keeping is at 586 followers/1641 followings with 10 photos posted. Each are getting 80-100 likes with about 2-5 comments each. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong at this point.

I'm considering of wanting to possibly purchase an IG account with active followers already... if anyone is willing to be kind to be affordable.

I'm trying to think of some other niches to try. I just don't understand why I'm not taking off. I'm literally gaining only 10-20 followers a day with Follow Liker settings at a reasonable setting.

Sorry for the failure, guys.

How long are you running your FL? I am growing an account aswell and the numbers aren't the best, I'm posting sexy women images and using tags + using IFTT to auto post each instagram picture to my twitter (with around 900 followers) that has the same name. The numbers aren't amazing but each day I have more than the day before. I believe there are a lot of hurdles in journeys like this but after you get past each hurdle it gets a little bit easier. Subscribing to this thread because I want to see you prove yourself wrong and get those numbers up! You can do it man!
Thank you! I'm running FL 24/7 until limits are reached for the day.
I kept a fashion niche one although it isn't growing, I enjoy it.
I also had another IG account I forgot about. I've started posting on that one again (food niche related) and so far I have more decent traction. I have almost 1500 followers with about 100-150 likes on photos with about 2-6 comments each. I'm getting about 50 followers a day, which is something I just have to remain satisfied with since I honestly don't know what else I'm doing wrong.

Thanks for having faith in me. :)