My journey to dollanaire


May 12, 2014
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So this is my first post to this thread but not last. My plan is make some big money with IM and update here everything about my journey.
I started today and made fb fan page, blogger and pinterest but what I find was that getting fans in beginning is hard so du you have any tricks to get like first 1000 fans, commenting to another's fan pages isn't option because fb doesn't allow it anymore. So should I just make 10 fake profiles and add 100-200 friends each other and start to share my fan page's pictures? Ps. can i get myself into legal troubles if i copy and upload another's pictures?
Good luck on your journey!
You can rarely get into legal trouble with it, but it may happen ( depending on who are you messing with ).
About the fans, I would go with the fake profiles.

The best thing you can do is to test, test and test some more.

Well you could get into legal troubles if you use your real account/details. It's very rare but very much possible, better take precautions rather than being sorry later.
Good luck on your journey mate. :)
I'll suggest to use AddMeFast to gain fb fan page followers....!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah even I think you can get into legal trouble for copying or reuploading someone else's photo. I have heard of some cases having similar issue.
So... we have exam week now so I didn't do so much today but at least I made 7 fake facebook accounts and added some friends which is better than nothing. I'm not usa resident so I don't think that i will get myself to big troubles or if i get, come and get me. Tommorow I will start to promote fan page and download add me fast. Somebody asked how I will monetize my blog and answer is: adsense and cpa at the first but i have pretty big maybe even stupid ideas how I will monetize and make money with my blog/site but let see...
Oh sorry i haven't uptadet but something is wrong with my internet but it should be fixed today.

One question about addmefast. Does it really bring new likers or are they all from fake accounts? Should i invest 40 euros for that?