My Journey to 2728.20 Yen ($30 USD) A day.


Junior Member
May 20, 2012
Reaction score
So, there are alot of Journey threads, however, this is mine!

My goal is to get to $30 a day consistently hustling my plums off with CPA.

I will be doing CPA + Youtube and track my earnings via this thread.

I feel I am becoming more attuned to the YT game, and had to learn that spreading oneself too thing trying to learn everything at once is a bad idea!

I really hope that people enjoy it and I can help others as, I myself grow too.

This is for anyone who has tried really hard and failed and wants to gain some insight (hopefully) on how to make IM work for you.

I am all about positivity, despite the past, so I am looking forward to your questions, and chatting etc and hopefully I come out on top with more knowledge, more IM buddies and a hell of alot more jingle in my pockets.

Already a massive, massive thank you to some people who have helped me- tchashow for some early day mentor-ship. Tier 539 with your kindness of being new and writing me a random bot, just because. And Zen19 for writing some mind blowing posts that make me realize it's all about the mentality, one day I hope to be on your same astral plane.

To all my new prospective brothers in arms, thank you for reading this and (hopefully) sticking with me :D
good luck. my most important question. are ur videos sticking?
Excellent question, the answer is - no. Not at this time. One of my major obstacles thus far! Will be updating on my solution-If I can find one :)
wrong place, you should put your thread in IM journey
Thank you TrollDad, I will contact a mod. Creating a journey thread is a daunting task, but the small details always count! Cheers
CPA + Youtube = $$$ ?
I will follow your journey ... please give some details for your strategy.
I think I'll learn a lot from this journey ... I'm still confuse how people can make money from Youtube
CPA + Youtube = $$$ ?
I will follow your journey ... please give some details for your strategy.
I think I'll learn a lot from this journey ... I'm still confuse how people can make money from Youtube

The theory behind it is to get content on youtube, which entices people to take an extra step with an offer you give in the video. Say for game hacks, offer a hack generator for Devil May Cry - Then link webiste in the video + description. So when someone goes to your link you can effectively "lock" that content until someone does an offer ( offers come from your CPA network) You get paid for people filling out offers, people get their hack that you advertize - everyone wins. Make sense?
Day 1- Stats

Impressions- 148

Clicks- 16

Payout- $0.00

Not very happy with 0 conversions on 16 click but I will keep watching the offers and see if there is a pattern. Also a wall I ran into, my net provider has messed up my account and so the next 5 days there will be no uploading, due to severely throttled speed. I will work on sprucing up the site a bit and working on numbers. Still, I am positive and if you have questions, let me know!
Day 2- Stats

Impressions- 672

Clicks- 80

Payout- $3.35

Day 2 is already feeling better, even though I could not upload I was doing tweaks to the site. Sent a PM to my account Manager just querying stats, making sure everything is running fine!