My Journey to $25k/ Month Trading Stocks


Oct 10, 2014
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Hello, and welcome to my journey!

What's the plan?
- The idea is to hit $25,000/ month by trading stocks.

Can I achieve my goal?
- Probably. At least I will try to. I've managed to get 11k in 1 month so far.

Is the goal too high?
- Maybe, but I think it will motivate me to make the right decisions.

How do you know how to trade?
- I've started playing at the end of December - the start of January on some demo accounts (WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IF YOU WANT TO START DOING THIS), of course, I didn't know a thing. Then a friend of mine told me about some guys in my city that teach people how to correctly trade. They taught me the basic and the most important things a trader has to know (including strategies, of course).

Okay, enough with the past. Most probably, I will not trade every day, maybe not even every week. I will try to, tho.

I will also try to update this post as much as I can, so I will keep you all informed about my process.
I genuinely hope that this journey will inspire you and will help you keep your head up, whatever goal you are trying to achieve!

Thus being said, the journey starts on 12/6/2019.

Day 1:
Goal: $25,000.00
Earned: $1,500.47


Today I'm in green! Lousy move with the DOMO tho... I'll have to focus on not doing those types of mistakes in the future.​
Good luck! :) Is there a website you're using here? Different websites have different available things, would help to know for people that might be interested
Can you further explain how you learned to trade?

Have you read books/courses about trading that you would recommend?

Do you use TA? If yes would you mind sharing some of your methods/tips and tricks?
great job
can you tell how you learn that
i want to start trading by i dont have any idea . thanks
it looks like you are only trading stocks that gap up or down. Trading only stocks that report financial results?
Good luck! :) Is there a website you're using here? Different websites have different available things, would help to know for people that might be interested

Can you further explain how you learned to trade?

Have you read books/courses about trading that you would recommend?

Do you use TA? If yes would you mind sharing some of your methods/tips and tricks?

great job
can you tell how you learn that
i want to start trading by i dont have any idea . thanks

As for the broker, it depends where are you from first of all. Just google up the ones that are available in your country, inform and read reviews about them.

You can learn the basics and some strategies for free on YouTube. But I learned from those guys from my city (I’m still open to learn new things).

Unfortunately I cannot explain here how I trade, I really can’t. Maybe only with mentoring or something like that, but that’s not the point of the thread:

But if you want to start doing this, the most important thing, in my opinion, is: learn to get your emotions OUT of the equation when you trade! Otherwise it will kill everything you do. If you manage to do that you are 50% set, next thing is to work on the technical stuff such as strategies.

it looks like you are only trading stocks that gap up or down. Trading only stocks that report financial results?

To be honest it’s all about momentum.
Using a screener to screen momentum? How are you finding what is running?
Sounds awesome, good luck in your journey bro

Thank you!

Is this stock options trading?

It is stock trading.

Using a screener to screen momentum? How are you finding what is running?

Not for all, but yes, I mostly use a screener.

Day 2:
Goal: $25,000.00
Earned Today: $1,065.17
Earned So Far: $2,565.64


Solid start of the week. Green, good profit, but with only two trades, which is pretty good.
Day 3:
Goal: $25,000.00
Earned Today: $1,322.78
Earned So Far: $3,888.42


Worse day than yesterday, even that the profit is more significant today. Lost some on Netflix but still a good amount of $ earned; therefore, I'm happy. Wanted to get on X too, I but haven't.

Today and yesterday I've only traded two stocks. Is this a bad thing? I don't think so, as long as I make a profit.
Should I trade more? Maybe. I will try to, but I didn't feel like that these two days.

If you are still reading, thank you! This way I know I don't only help me (writing a journey is good for your mind, at least for me), but I (hope) that I help you too. I hope you like it and if you think I can make the journey even prettier, I'm open to new ideas. (If you read until here, please let me know, It would make me happy).
Please continue updating us. I wish you success.
Hello, and welcome to my journey!

What's the plan?
- The idea is to hit $25,000/ month by trading stocks.

Can I achieve my goal?
- Probably. At least I will try to. I've managed to get 11k in 1 month so far.

Is the goal too high?
- Maybe, but I think it will motivate me to make the right decisions.

How do you know how to trade?
- I've started playing at the end of December - the start of January on some demo accounts (WHICH I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IF YOU WANT TO START DOING THIS), of course, I didn't know a thing. Then a friend of mine told me about some guys in my city that teach people how to correctly trade. They taught me the basic and the most important things a trader has to know (including strategies, of course).

Okay, enough with the past. Most probably, I will not trade every day, maybe not even every week. I will try to, tho.

I will also try to update this post as much as I can, so I will keep you all informed about my process.
I genuinely hope that this journey will inspire you and will help you keep your head up, whatever goal you are trying to achieve!

Thus being said, the journey starts on 12/6/2019.

Day 1:
Goal: $25,000.00
Earned: $1,500.47


Today I'm in green! Lousy move with the DOMO tho... I'll have to focus on not doing those types of mistakes in the future.​
So what's your strategy, anyway?

And don't forget we are at the end of another ~10 year economic cycle (read: at the eve of recession). All stocks, indexes, etc. are maxed out now, this is the worst time for long- and mid-term investments, so beware.
great job :)
i want to start trading soon but lots of people tell me otherwise as it's risky.
great job :)
i want to start trading soon but lots of people tell me otherwise as it's risky.
Trump is going to win the trade war, and the US economy will thrive for another 6-12 months, but everything is on MAX levels now, buying now is the stupidest idea ever (unless you're speculating instead of investing)
Interesting journey!
Beside the emotion OUT you mentioned before, how do you manage your equity? I mean how much equity alocation you use per trade?
trading is for patient and intelligent people. required lot of time too. best of luck mate.