My journey to $2000 by end of May 2014 using CPA, PPI, PPD, YT and even some fkin SEO


Junior Member
Jan 30, 2013
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My plan and hopefully my destiny will be $2000 made before end of the May. Why $2k? Well I'm looking for getting the driver's license during the summer and it will be something close to $2k and what would be a better source of financing than BH-techniques and pure work. Yes the license costs A-LOT and you could get 20 counterfeits for the price of the real. Is it necessary for me? -No but it would be hell a lot of nicer to cruise with some nice motorbike by end of the summer. And what is the problem keeping this from me? CASHMONEY! AND I'M HERE TO FIX IT and keeping a log about it.
I've done $1k online during this year with unbelievably little work, this was achieved with the same techniques that I'm also going to use in this journey: Incentive CPA and YouTube Spa... *cough* SEO. YouTube for me works for fast profits and I will need to aim high to earn HIGH. My best day was little bit over $100/day with YT and it was really f**king awesome but I got lazy quick because I didn't have any clear goal and ended up spending the profits elsewhere than IM.

Let's see some charts:


As you can see, I will start by slowly building up the videos, accounts and doing research how to build my way further, even test some PPI for my other project getting around 80 uniques per day from Google. PPI would be perfect for it. Still I don't give myself too soft goals, they are to be fulfilled and the soft-start period lasts for week before the massive blasting and upscaling.

To do -list:


  • [*=center]Write this post
    [*=center]Buy proxies
    [*=center]Get some sleep


  • [*=center]Make/Buy YT accounts
    [*=center]Make some videos and LPs
    [*=center]Upload/Boost them and hope for the best
    [*=center]Switch the old project to PPI


4th May $2,00 [ ]
5th May $2,00 [ ]
6th May $10,00 [ ]
7th May $15,00 [ ]
8th May $17,00 [ ]

Journey's Official Anthem:


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Done today:

  • [*=center]Made few YT accounts and bought some more, awaiting delivery
    [*=center]Made two videos and LPs and uploaded them
    [*=center]Uploaded a few existing videos and boosted with views & likes

The videos uploaded today will be roughly worth around $80 in daily profits if there is no massban and if they rank well, and I do hope that there isn't ban. I've done everything according to the book to make sure there isn't any massbans. I have abandoned MVB pro due to small flaw that is currently being fixed, because of that the upload process will be a bit slower but safer.

To-Do tomorrow:

  • [*=center]Receive the account-delivery
    [*=center]Upload some more videos and boost them
    [*=center]Find niches and do some more LPs and videos
    [*=center]Hope that the shit doesn't hit the fan in form of massbans.
    [*=center]Not to be as lazy as today


4th May $2,00 [$0 FAILED due to no videos live atm, will hopefully change tomorrow :(]
5th May $2,00 [ ]
6th May $10,00 [ ]
7th May $15,00 [ ]
8th May $17,00 [ ]

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I'm doing a similar thing as well, i would like to talk to you about few things.
Seeing as you already made 100/day before you should have no problem reaching your goal.

Good Luck OP
Oh crap.. The view provider is delivering in slower rate than I'm used to.... Better get ready within next 12hrs to meet the goals :(
Can you explain more because I am using MVB pro right now :]

I have abandoned MVB pro due to small flaw that is currently being fixed, because of that the upload process will be a bit slower but safer.
sub'd good luck on your journey. How many of the "old projects" are you converting to PPI?
sub'd good luck on your journey. How many of the "old projects" are you converting to PPI?

I decided not to switch to PPI because the networks and their policies seem way too shady for me. If Net30 is best they can offer and there are conflicting reports of them scamming people it just doesn't feel right to give them much traffic. I have one small SEO-experiment but it gets like 60 or so uniques depending day so it would've not been worth it.

Can you explain more because I am using MVB pro right now :]

sodevrom already stated that it will be fixed:

We have a few users having issues with mass ban, but for those users I am working on a new upload method, that uses Firefox instead of Internet Explorer and will be 100% secure.
Everything (including upload) will be done through an integrated firefox browser.
The update will be out in 5-7 days

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Done today:

  • [*=center]Received the accounts
    [*=center]Uploaded banned videos again
    [*=center]Absolutely nothing

So I faced semi-massban today, all except one video were deleted. It might be because of bad IPs. Got one lead worth of $.16 :(
Let's see how it goes tomorrow or I need to change tactics. Tomorrow's goal is reachable if my new accounts work as hoped.

To-Do tomorrow:

  • [*=center]Upload some more videos and boost them
    [*=center]Find niches and do some more LPs and videos
    [*=center]Hope that the shit doesn't hit the fan in form of more massbans.
    [*=center]Not to be as lazy as today


4th May $2,00 [$0 FAILED due to no videos live atm, will hopefully change tomorrow :(]
5th May $2,00 [ $0,16]
6th May $10,00 [ ]
7th May $15,00 [ ]
8th May $17,00 [ ]

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I may of misread this wrong, but did you just say the reason you're striving for 2K is because you're getting your driver's license?

Come to USA mine was $35 :)
Interesting thread because of the super short deadline. Let's see how you do it. Subbed and good luck. :D
I may of misread this wrong, but did you just say the reason you're striving for 2K is because you're getting your driver's license?

Come to USA mine was $35
You read right and it isn't even for a car. :(

BTW. Just broke today's goal. $13, 4 leads.

Posted via Topify on Android
Splitting into smaller goals always work for me.

The daily goals look good.

Good luck with your journey OP.
Done today:

  • [*=center] Uploaded few videos and one new
    [*=center]Monitored the statistics on both LP and network

Not as good day as yesterday was. :( There was only small conversions even though I had like 20 french clicks. For tomorrow, I might have one or two aces in my sleeve to correct that. At-least I hope so. Of-course today's stats are subject to change as the day hasn't changed yet but I'll update it tomorrow if there's anything. Luckily Friday is coming up soon so I have a feeling that I can keep up with the goals.

To-Do tomorrow:

  • [*=center]Fuck around like crazy to make earnings skyrocket :D
    [*=center]Do research
    [*=center]Hope that the shit doesn't hit the fan in any form.
    [*=center]Actually do something


6th May $10,00 [9 Leads, $17,1]
7th May $15,00 [8 leads, $10]
8th May $17,00 [ ]


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We're fixing a minor issue in the high risk system where views are coming in extremely slow, sorry about that.

We're split testing 4 different things in our 4 different systems. Some are faster than before, some are slower than before. The fastest views are Low Risk Retention right now, so if you're concerned with speed, please buy those.

We're doing this split testing and waiting to see what happens, if there are bans, we will have more data on what's causing the bans, so we can make our final adjustments to all the systems and be done with this. We work hard to ensure the safety of our clients videos, but we're making our final stand, with attempting to resolve this. We can't wait to find out why they are banning us, given we use real traffic, from real people, no bots, no proxies. Time will tell, but so far so good with bans, we'll see though.

Today is failing a lot as I can't air new videos without any views and enhanceviews is also down :(
..but on positive side: someone already reuploaded one of my videos and left my links in it and the MVB pro received major update :D
I don't know what I should feel about all this, happy or not. Now I can use MVB for uploading as its patched and I have more time for research. I plan on finding 5 French-niches today and making the LPs and videos for them, when I get everything rolling again, it'll be huge. Atleast I hope so. :D
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Done today:

  • [*=center] Uploaded few videos and one new
    [*=center]Debugged the MVB and waited for the views

MVB pro got an update and I haven't had any views delivered in 24 hrs. so I'm not doing well, if the views start rolling well as promised, I hope that I can make up the gap tomorrow as it is Friday.

To-Do tomorrow:

  • [*=center]Air some videos and hope that they are targeted enough for French people


6th May $10,00 [9 Leads, $17,1]
7th May $15,00 [8 leads, $10]
8th May $17,00 [2 leads, $2,84]


No song today :(
