My journey to $100,000 With YouTube


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2017
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Hey guys
I have been lurking around BTW for some time and have been busy working to make this possible, even though getting a laptop have been an obstacle for me. And finally I have lauched my new YouTube channel. This is like a journey thread to actually motivate me because YouTube algorithm have made me want to give up but I won't! Never! Imagine spending so much time to create a video, then you uploaded it to YouTube and you ain't getting views. It's very demotivativing. Anyways I will like to hear your thoughts about my newly uploaded videos on YouTube. so I will drop my channel URL so you guys can check out my progress and tell me what you think. Also tell me what you think about the voice in the video, is it okay for YouTube tts policy? Or should I switch to human voice?
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Oh those animations must be really time consuming. Do you make them with illustrator + after effects and how long does it take?

Robot voice is a problem however, if you post your links on reddit you would get many dislikes just for that, I've seen it happen.

As to the whole idea/niche I'm honestly not sure what I'm looking at, seems like it needs a bit more clarity and attention catching in the first few seconds plus better titles. Also music and sound effects. If people dont stick and watc most of your vid it will never get recommended.
Unfortunately animation will be getting hit hard with the new rules for kids hence why everyone in animation is trying to get away from it.
The new algorithm for children on YouTube may hurt you. I hope your future content is taking this into account. Your goal of $100,000 is very high reaching. Do you have a timeline in place, I find it proves better to establish milestones leading up to the main goal.

In the meantime, you could take animations classes at your local CC or something.
You need to work on the topic. Find to something more interesting to tell instead of these boring life stories. You can make animation about historic events, mystery (ghost,UFO....)stories or serial murder case, something that people have more interest into. Also need to work on the thumbnail since it looks like an abomination that no one wants to click onto. Robotic voice is a problem too, if you can't speak english you can hire someone on Fiverr to do it for you. Good luck
Hey guys
I have been lurking around BTW for some time and have been busy working to make this possible, even though getting a laptop have been an obstacle for me. And finally I have lauched my new YouTube channel. This is like a journey thread to actually motivate me because YouTube algorithm have made me want to give up but I won't! Never! Imagine spending so much time to create a video, then you uploaded it to YouTube and you ain't getting views. It's very demotivativing. Anyways I will like to hear your thoughts about my newly uploaded videos on YouTube. so I will drop my channel URL so you guys can check out my progress and tell me what you think. Also tell me what you think about the voice in the video, is it okay for YouTube tts policy? Or should I switch to human voice?
Did you have a channel before? Based on what you said it seems you did. What didn’t work before and what are you changing so it works out now?
You need to work on the topic. Find to something more interesting to tell instead of these boring life stories. You can make animation about historic events, mystery (ghost,UFO....)stories or serial murder case, something that people have more interest into. Also need to work on the thumbnail since it looks like an abomination that no one wants to click onto. Robotic voice is a problem too, if you can't speak english you can hire someone on Fiverr to do it for you. Good luck
Will work on your advice, I appreciate!
as others have mentioned you should work on your thumbnails. Most of these animated stories videos I've seen usually have some clickbaity/sexualized thumbnail so maybe try taking a page out of their book? here's an example:
I'd say it's pretty decent for a beginner. Do not get discouraged.

Your videos aren't particularly unique, or offer any educational value, but hey, hundreds of millions of adult kids spend hours each day watching similar stuff--so you can have your fraction of the pie :).

Sure, everything can be slightly better, the titles, the thumbnails, the texts, even the animations, but you are just starting and for a beginner this is good enough. You'll get better with each video. Keep posting, improving, and the traffic will come.
as others have mentioned you should work on your thumbnails. Most of these animated stories videos I've seen usually have some clickbaity/sexualized thumbnail so maybe try taking a page out of their book? here's an example:
View attachment 125132
Thank you
Will work on that too
I'd say it's pretty decent for a beginner. Do not get discouraged.

Your videos aren't particularly unique, or offer any educational value, but hey, hundreds of millions of adult kids spend hours each day watching similar stuff--so you can have your fraction of the pie :).

Sure, everything can be slightly better, the titles, the thumbnails, the texts, even the animations, but you are just starting and for a beginner this is good enough. You'll get better with each video. Keep posting, improving, and the traffic will come.
as others have mentioned you should work on your thumbnails. Most of these animated stories videos I've seen usually have some clickbaity/sexualized thumbnail so maybe try taking a page out of their book? here's an example:
View attachment 125132

lol that thumbnail

OP good luck on your journey, share your content everywhere you can!
I really think you have a long way to go before you could reach your GOAL!
Unfortunately animation will be getting hit hard with the new rules for kids hence why everyone in animation is trying to get away from it.
I don't agree with you. I just think you are yet to understand the kind of kids channels that Youtube is targeting.

Channels like Disney Junior are supposed to be in danger if you were right:)