My Journey Investing $100K in Crypto by the mid 2023! [DCA]


Junior Member
Apr 9, 2022
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Hello everyone,

Let's take an advantage of the bear market.

This is my journey investing $100K over the next 12 months. This is the journey of my fresh new portfolio which I'm going to track carefully, and perhaps inspire you guys as well to invest a portion of your money into something returning (can be stocks, crypto, whatever), but the key is to build the habit of investing and being smart when to take some profit, re-invest into something bigger, and so on.

I'm in crypto since 2016 (I believe, maybe even 2015 can't remember). I've been doing Internet Marketing since 2012, and still doing it. Most of my main portfolio is in Bitcoin.

New Portfolio
(reach $100K invested by the mid of 2023 - that's my prediction as per my current monthly budget for investing, it can be sooner or later than the mid 2023, but as of now, the stable plan is by the mid of 2023) :)
I won't overwhelm myself with many goals, this is the goal for now that I'm going to stick with it)

What inspired me to start this journey?
I'm holding BTC and some other coins for a long time, and I'm in positive when BTC is over $10K, but tbh I don't really know my 100% accurate profit/loss. So I've started to DCA. My goal is to buy weekly, or more frequently, and try to get that avg. buying price as low as possible.

What am I buying?
My current plan is to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and Chainlink.
On my buying days, I usually buy:
45% Bitcoin
45% Ethereum
5% Solana
5% Chainlink
BTC and ETH are the most safest in my opinion, but I want to put some money in other projects too, but not into many, only SOL and LINK for now.

I'm currently using FTX to buy crypto, and their portfolio tracker app.

on 10th July 2022
Current portfolio value ($7.011)
Total invested: $7377

Screenshot 2022-07-10 at 10.28.56.png

I'll try to update this thread as much as possible, feel free to ask me questions.

Until then, I'm gonna buy BTC, ETH ;)

Good luck! I will also be investing around the same amount in the next few months.
Good luck for the journey. If you remain invested for long term, good profit can be made.
So you are investing IM money in crypto?
Yes. I don't understand the purpose of your question. :) :)
This is an journey I have waited for, I've done DCA for some months, but not with that much money! :D
Thanks man! It's an awesome journey for me. Are you still doing DCA? I see a lot of people buying on the high, and holding for so long, but not buying more when the price is low, they're kinda scared. I understand that, that's why the most important thing when doing DCA over a few years period, is to invest in strong projects only. That's the reason why I'm heavily investing into BTC and ETH (over 90%) and only small % into Solana and Chainlink (They're also good projects, but BTC and ETH are more stronger).
My entire portfolio mostly already down by 90%, I am not sure how much further it can go down. On next bear market, I would probably take all of these as a lesson. But now it’s too late already lol

Isn't FTX bankrupt?

Bro lost all his money in FTX. He could've used multiple exchanges and wallets but he preferred it because of their portfolio tracker.

That is an expensive portfolio tracker, cost him $100k.

Have you lost everything at FTX?
Hello friends :)

Yes, true. I lost that portfolio in FTX. It was such a stupid and painful feeling. I'm in crypto since 2015-16. I have cold wallets, different exchanges. but nobody could predict this, the 2nd largest "most regulated" exchange in the world.

@Daemon Targaryen it wasn't because of the portfolio tracker. I was planning to order another cold wallet just for that portfolio, but due to lack of time and always saying "tomorrow" I ended up here.

Lesson repeated.

Good luck.
Ugh… this thread is painful to watch, hopefully OP moved out his assets from FTX before all the shits that happened.

Also the guy that is responsible for this still happily tweeting, what a shame
@Daemon Targaryen it wasn't because of the portfolio tracker. I was planning to order another cold wallet just for that portfolio, but due to lack of time and always saying "tomorrow" I ended up here.
Shit happens. Better luck next time.
Ugh… this thread is painful to watch, hopefully OP moved out his assets from FTX before all the shits that happened.
Bro, see the post above yours. Op came from the dead to reply to us today.
No worries guys, I've started new portfolio, gonna reach that number.

Just don't have a motivation to share it anymore lol.