my friend's government university method!!!! $5000/mo. in operation.


Registered Member
Jan 5, 2009
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So, I'm finally at 50 posts cus I lurk on forums too
much but check it out.

My friend is really doing this and is getting extra paid
so I figured I'd lay it out for BHW to drool over.

You may have already thought about doing this but
thought it wouldn't work, it is extremely blackhat
and you have to be organized and smart or able to
outsource to organized, smart people.


so we know Obama is paying for mothers to go
back to school right? lol I'm sure you've seen the

But, its not just mothers that are getting paid
basically 5k per semester to go to school.

Anyone 24 and over and under the income limit of
20k per year qualifies.

So you find a bunch of your friends who never
got a job or ever did anything with themselves
and you tell them they are going to get paid to
go to school but, they dont have to do shit.

All they have to do is sit there and get say...
$200 per month. free beer money! Maybe only
pay them $500 upfront to use their information
it really doesnt matter.

So, you sign them up for school and straight
up do all their work over the internet like you
were them, OR more ideally outsource it to your
trusty workers.

Internet courses are popping up all over and
state schools are paying for students to go
to school.

Money's flowing and my friend is doing it big
with about 8 people he's got enrolled at the

Just to let you know I haven't tried it yet

I'm just helping my GF get her work in on time


hit the thanks if you think you can pull it off ==>
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This is fraud.
Unless you cover your ass well, you will be in big trouble when the authorities find out the scam.
Fake leads are fraud too. It's definitely blackhat and I'd never attempt it, but I know someone who does it year in year out.

Congrats on your friend cashing out big, hope he doesn't get in trouble.

Way too much work in my opinion, I like automated income. :D
I'm not sure what you mean by fake leads but frauding the US Government is not only highly illegal but fucking retarted. sure he'll bank for a few months but then something will blow up in his face and he'll find himself in federal prison
yea, I just was trying to think of the most blackhat method I've ever heard of someone attempting and thought I'd share... maybe not the MOST BH but, it's up there...

Fake leads are fraud too. It's definitely blackhat and I'd never attempt it, but I know someone who does it year in year out.


Yes. Sending fake leads are also fraud.
But you have very less risk involved when you are sending a fake lead to a CPA network. At the most you could be banned from the network. But attempting to do fraud with the federal grants are not only fraud, it is illegal and really risky. The method what you have described is not blackhat. It is outright fraud.

I don't live in US. But I wouldn't try to attempt fraud with government, no matter where I live.
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did you just post that for a few thanks?? honestly that's pretty retarded for anyone who tries this and im pretty sure atleast 1 noob will
OMFG, I got it! How about actually USING that money to get an education in business management or something that will help you (your friend, or anyone else for that matter) with your marketing efforts?
Wow, illegal as heck lol. Why not just go to school, get paid that money and work on your BH ventures? You wouldn't have to work a full-time job, so perfect time to get something going that isn't going to land ya in prison.
wow, something you gota be careful with; and a method that is against my personal ethics (i have very low ethics).

But nice method non the less.
nice scam but take care.. someday someone of your friends will talk to much and then your fucked up!
Pushing fake leads to CPA networks is fraud, but this is totally differnt, this is more or less stealing the tax payers money.
Man you might of just ruined your friend, who knows who browses this forums dude! This is way to
much work though, and it's even bigger fraud cause if you finish the program for the guy you signed
up for you just got him a degree he didn't do anything for. Next, since he was dumb enough
to allow someone to use his info in the first place, he'll take that degree and try and use it.

Total fraud, and going to jail.....and you say he does this year in and year not too much into politics, but if this is Obamas thing, hasnt he only been in office for 10 months? How can he have been doing this before? Give it a few months and you can go visit your friend and his "girlfriend" on Saturdays
no the money's there if you're an independent and want to go to school.. I think since Obama's in office just a lot more going around and he's pushing for people to use it more.

and no i did not post this for a few thanks... I posted it because this is BHW and like i said above, I agree this beyond blackhat and I figured some BHatters would get a kick out of hearing that someone is actually profiting this way.

can a guy really get that much for going to school? can you please provide a link to read about it? i tried googling it but didn't find much worthy news. thanks.

i don't wanna do the system i'd really want to go to school.