MY Followliker instagram settings (UPDATED 03/03/15)


Mar 1, 2015
Reaction score

after ig just deleted some big account in the last days i run this setts in safety.

2500 likes per day max (10-15sec delay)
900-1200 follows per day (30-35 sec delay)
650-700 unfollow per day (25-25 sec delay)
170-200 comments per day (150-199 sec delay)
Posting without limit without the but i post 4-5 per day(you can more)

** every day i increase the setts for get more agressive setts with no ban and ill update here!

With these settings im getting about 500-600 followers per day

please if i help you give me some good feedback,
Rating and click on the thank buttom below

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seems to crazy
especially the commenting part i got banned for a day with much less..
i will try that on a new account tho!
I see many people doing follow and unfollow at the same time, however if I unfollow as low as 200 per day my follow gets banned for 24 hours my account is like a month's old now. I will try your settings and see how it goes. thanks!
But after running this setting I faced phone verification status on followliker IG bot & that really a pain in ass..........

as I don't have those numbers any more now what to do ???

have you faced this type of problem before ??
Already faced phone verification few days ago.
These settings a high, be warned.

I would not do more than 550-650 follows, 1.5k - 2k likes a day
im really pleasure to help ya all but give somelove with thank / Rate / Comments :)

LOL 400 views and only 10 replies :\
bad feeling
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What do you have your like limit set to? I feel like that's pretty important.