My first money from CPA. Thank you BlackHat World!


Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
Hello guys. So I maid my first money. It is not a lot just 87$ but, what I understood from about 1,5 month of work, is that there is money in IM but you really need to work hard everyday and you need to analyze trends and events in world to know what people want and need. For example: More than half of this money I maid from iPhone 4S offer. I worked everyday about 30 minutes - 1 hour and this month I'm going to work more harder to earn more money to buy software for working with youtube, torrents and Yahoo! Answers. But this money I'm going to spent on buying xbox 360 =) I have some income in Russian Internet so I'm going to spent it all.

Here is a pic of my earnings

I worked with Yahoo! Answers. First it was manual work, then I found ZennoPoster and a little automate my work. Now I'm going to buy Answer Assault as I think it is very useful software. My CPA network is Peerfly and I think that Peerfly is very good CPA network.

P.S. I'm not from USA, I'm from Kazakhstan so I earned 110 bucks but bank commission is 22$ and there were problems with my bank yesterday, when I cashed out my earnings but finally I made it and now going to work harder! Thank you BHW! You are amazing, guys. I like this forum because there are so much people that will always help you and I think IM won't be over saturated because here can earn only hard working people that can analyze and think. Good luck guys!

P.S.S Sorry for posting image in such way. For some reasons I have registrated on BHW year ago but started to communicate here just this Autumn
Congrats man! Let me do a favor for you

Congrats bro.. ! Peerfly is a bit new to me. How good are their offers? Is it easy to get approved in their network ?
Thank you guys. Your messages proves that BHW is the most friendly forum in SEO and BlackHat theme!

Peerfly is a little strict but if you bring good traffic they pay you. Just don't break their laws. And the offers are very good. Especially there a lot of gadget offers as iPhone's, iPad's and a lot of Android and WP7 smartphones. It's very easy to get to them so because of this they are a little strict. Good luck to you with Peerfly!
First of all, congratulations, that is much more than I made yet (I think I'm much to lazy when there is no deadline)

jr_sci said:
Congrats bro.. ! Peerfly is a bit new to me. How good are their offers? Is it easy to get approved in their network ?

I got easyly accepted by peerfly even though I did not have a website or too much experience with CPA, just be honest and you might get in (if not, it was at least worth giving it a try)
Ah and by the way I didn't talk to them on the phone, only got an email.
''But this money I'm going to spent on buying xbox 360'' You better use it as a ''investment'' like, domain, hosting, fiverr or buy some services on BHW to scale things up.
Forget Xbox time, Put more in IM time.
Maybe you right but it is my old dream to have Xbox and right now one of my friend sell it for good price. But i'm also going to invest money. Here, in Kazakhstan we usually present on birthday money. So my birthday will be on 27th of december and I'm going to spent all my money on tools!
Great post, $87 is big money i think.
Recently i read a lot success about CPA network,is adsense old method?
Good luck with your Xbox 360 :D
My advice.
Dont think of XBOX 360 untill you earn consistent income ,Invest it for other methods
congrats man!!!
how did you promote the iphone 4s offer? by building a site? with youtube? facebook?
As I said, I used Yahoo! Answers. Just find relative to your theme questions and answer them with lnik on your offer.
Well done! Enjoy the xbox.

I got knocked back by peerfly, probably my inexperience showed, no big deal though. Could probably resubmit as it was a while ago.
Peerfly Rocks if u know how to redirect ur traffic properly ;) for Op good job its reminded me mine early days repeat and expand the method make much and invest in other stuffs if u require any kind of help feel free to add me best of luck ...
How do you have $ in there? What currency do you guys use in Kazakistan?

The banks normally would offer the local currency so I am wondering why $$
That's nice

Keep doing what you did with harder work

And don't spend ur money on Xbox .. worst investment ever man

You will waste time & money on that !

Invest your money online!!!!