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My first Journey - building site network in travel niche


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hi BHWers, it is actually my first journey on this forum and in entire life, as well it will be my introduce thread as I didn't made one at beginning and thought that it is stupid to post it after 4 years, I like to work alone and probably sociopath. I open journey more to keep me organized, discuss strategies, helping others and I open for advice's and discussions.

I am make living from IM, so it is my only job. I did not make any serious money in internet, I am dancing between 150-200$ day, most of the money I make from my local travel niche website. Some from my old ppd sites, it is autopilot money, since 2 years I did not touch them. I have few adsence sites.

In a short I making enough to live but not a life I want)) For last 2 years I have done a lot of seo projects, had several clients sites, I increased earning on my money sites. So I decide to go bigger and this is what is journey about.

I will build Site Network, I do not want to call it PBN, because of low quality links services, this term start to sound spammy, I plan to do quality sites network.

As I have huge experience in travel niche (over 14 years) and related education, niche of sites will be travel.

I will not go into a lot of details about niche, It is travel niche, targeting single country, every site has only 3 main keywords and around 10-15 long tails, monthly searchers 4800-12000 for main keywords and 300-700 long tails, competition medium to high, very high CPC, keyword it self commercial, easy to work with any travel affiliate program.

Sites will be in Russian as it is my mother tong, each site will have around 3k words content for main keyword and additional 3-5 pages of 700-1000k words unique and very well written content. I do not plan to sell links, each site will make money on his own from adsence and affiliate programs, I will talk about it letter, and in future it will be good start for big travel project or application.

So plan is:

Build 90 sites (already purchased 90 very related domains, most have keyword in domain name, some exact domains) about exact domains I made several tests and did not find that they get penalized faster then normal domains, if it is not something crazy like hottogetpregnantifyouare70yearsoldsingleman.com you still can rank them without any problems.

I will use different hosting for every 3 sites. Total 30 (15 purchased)

I am building 2 sites per day, 1 myself and another I outscore with VA. CMS wordpress, I redesigned 3 premium themes (purchased), made them looks very related to my niche, setup widgets to easy control ads on my site and worked in a better add placement. All content is unique, very well written with some exclusive info, every site has at list 5 000 words of content. I rename theme from site to site, changing all pictures, sliders, ad placement, swap between 3 themes I made. I am worry about footprints, will be thank full to hear advice's from experienced members.

For every site I attached single proxy, different email, different webmaster and analytic account, proxies are customs, I have 2 servers with additional ip's, so I know by fact that they are private and working. Each site has social profiles, youtube channel, subscription forms.

I will make 6 groups by 15 sites each and will try different SEO tactics, I have selected best which worked with my and clients projects, as well I plan to make 2 experiment group (lets call them k9group), to try some crazy seo tactics, I will talk about SEO a lot letter, discuss with you my seo strategies. For sure I will focus on yandex ranking more then google but seo tactics are similar for both SE with some difference in link types they like. I am very accurate with my money sites links and like to do most manually, so it is nothing to do with churn and burn tactics or using GSA direct to site and magically wait for rankings.

Monetize method: adsence, local product reselling, 3 travel affiliate programs I already work with.

What is done

Domains and hosting purchased
3 Themes redesigned and optimized for this journey
I have done 6 sites already, today is third day I am working on this project.

What is plan tomorrow

Build 2 sites, with unique content, social profiles, webmaster accounts, make and upload 3 videos on youtube, fix onsite seo and talk about it in my journey, I am sure some noobs will find use of it. As well I will add sites to rank tracker account tomorrow,

Wish me a luck with my first public journey.

P.S. Do not pm me questions, I can answer them in public, I do not need any services, I will report you if you send me any promotions, I will not share any links to hosting providers or seo services I use, if they purchased outside BHW, if it is BHW service I will sharing links with no problem. I am not looking for now for any investments or jv partner.
Interesting Journey.

Following, Keep it updated.
Hi BHWers, it is actually my first journey on this forum and in entire life, as well it will be my introduce thread as I didn't made one at beginning and thought that it is stupid to post it after 4 years, I like to work alone and probably sociopath. I open journey more to keep me organized, discuss strategies, helping others and I open for advice's and discussions.

I am make living from IM, so it is my only job. I did not make any serious money in internet, I am dancing between 150-200$ day, most of the money I make from my local travel niche website. Some from my old ppd sites, it is autopilot money, since 2 years I did not touch them. I have few adsence sites.

In a short I making enough to live but not a life I want)) For last 2 years I have done a lot of seo projects, had several clients sites, I increased earning on my money sites. So I decide to go bigger and this is what is journey about.

I will build Site Network, I do not want to call it PBN, because of low quality links services, this term start to sound spammy, I plan to do quality sites network.

As I have huge experience in travel niche (over 14 years) and related education, niche of sites will be travel.

I will not go into a lot of details about niche, It is travel niche, targeting single country, every site has only 3 main keywords and around 10-15 long tails, monthly searchers 4800-12000 for main keywords and 300-700 long tails, competition medium to high, very high CPC, keyword it self commercial, easy to work with any travel affiliate program.

Sites will be in Russian as it is my mother tong, each site will have around 3k words content for main keyword and additional 3-5 pages of 700-1000k words unique and very well written content. I do not plan to sell links, each site will make money on his own from adsence and affiliate programs, I will talk about it letter, and in future it will be good start for big travel project or application.

So plan is:

Build 90 sites (already purchased 90 very related domains, most have keyword in domain name, some exact domains) about exact domains I made several tests and did not find that they get penalized faster then normal domains, if it is not something crazy like hottogetpregnantifyouare70yearsoldsingleman.com you still can rank them without any problems.

I will use different hosting for every 3 sites. Total 30 (15 purchased)

I am building 2 sites per day, 1 myself and another I outscore with VA. CMS wordpress, I redesigned 3 premium themes (purchased), made them looks very related to my niche, setup widgets to easy control ads on my site and worked in a better add placement. All content is unique, very well written with some exclusive info, every site has at list 5 000 words of content. I rename theme from site to site, changing all pictures, sliders, ad placement, swap between 3 themes I made. I am worry about footprints, will be thank full to hear advice's from experienced members.

For every site I attached single proxy, different email, different webmaster and analytic account, proxies are customs, I have 2 servers with additional ip's, so I know by fact that they are private and working. Each site has social profiles, youtube channel, subscription forms.

I will make 6 groups by 15 sites each and will try different SEO tactics, I have selected best which worked with my and clients projects, as well I plan to make 2 experiment group (lets call them k9group), to try some crazy seo tactics, I will talk about SEO a lot letter, discuss with you my seo strategies. For sure I will focus on yandex ranking more then google but seo tactics are similar for both SE with some difference in link types they like. I am very accurate with my money sites links and like to do most manually, so it is nothing to do with churn and burn tactics or using GSA direct to site and magically wait for rankings.

Monetize method: adsence, local product reselling, 3 travel affiliate programs I already work with.

What is done

Domains and hosting purchased
3 Themes redesigned and optimized for this journey
I have done 6 sites already, today is third day I am working on this project.

What is plan tomorrow

Build 2 sites, with unique content, social profiles, webmaster accounts, make and upload 3 videos on youtube, fix onsite seo and talk about it in my journey, I am sure some noobs will find use of it. As well I will add sites to rank tracker account tomorrow,

Wish me a luck with my first public journey.

P.S. Do not pm me questions, I can answer them in public, I do not need any services, I will report you if you send me any promotions, I will not share any links to hosting providers or seo services I use, if they purchased outside BHW, if it is BHW service I will sharing links with no problem. I am not looking for now for any investments or jv partner.

Hey, all the best for your journey! If you require any help with hosting, feel free to contact me and I will be happy to help you.
All the best for the future.looking for more from your experiences.Will come handy,i am sure.
"I am make living from IM, so it is my only job. I did not make any serious money in internet, I am dancing between 150-200$ day, most of the money I make from my local travel niche website. Some from my old ppd sites, it is autopilot money, since 2 years I did not touch them. I have few adsence sites." - OP

If your already this far, then you should only go up from here. This is a great first Journey though. I will look forward to updates.
Day 2 Update

2 new sites done (total 8 sites ready) 82 left, I plan to start SEO when 1st group of 15 sites is done. One I made myself another I outscore from VA, normally I change a lot of content and mistakes after him, but it is still save a lot of time. I made and uploaded 6 videos, 3 for each site.

I promised today to talk about site building process: niche choosing, Audience targeting, Domain and hosting, keyword research, cms setup and redesign, content creation and updating, on site seo setup, ad placement.

Niche Choosing -It was 100 times written on the forum, take niche you know about and can talk a bit, if you build long term site most of the time content is main thing you should care about. Articles should help visitor to find answer or something new about what he was searched for. It must be unique, interesting and well written without grammar mistakes. There is plenty of subjects to speak mostly in all niche and good keywords.

Advice for beginners - If you are not native English, if you do not have good start up to invest in quality content, go for your mother tongue, you know mentality, you can write with sense of humor and quality articles, you even can ask you body who was nerd in school to check grammar for you. Believe me people in your country also using G and local search engines, but most of the time it is more easy to rank and you can still make a good money.

In my case, I like travel niche because I have good experience working offline and online into travel industry. For this journey sites still in same niche but a bit different as each target commercial term and it is monetized mostly with ppc and affiliate programs. My old sites was authority travel local blogs with a lot of content, monetized by reselling local travel products. As well sites for this projects have less targeted keywords and competition is much higher.

Audience - From the beginning you can understand from your niche or make research who will be your visitors males or females? Age, cities etc. It will help you with theme, colors and design selection. Easy way to search in social networks for related groups and check members statistic.

Domains -Having keyword in domain is good, but not necessary, in many cases it is better to have brandable domain in state of exact domain or keyword, but in some cases like mine, people will copy and past into SE my keywords, so I went with keywords and exact keywords domains. If you go with you mother tongue and local market better to take country domains (mine is .ru) if not go for com or org, btw I do not see a problem to rank .net or .info domain.

Hosting - If you build single site just choose stable and reliable hosting, there is many hosting providers on BHW or just google them. If you plan to build site network, you will need several accounts, better with different providers and different ip.

Keyword Research - First of all I manually make list of keywords, I just write down what comes to my mind when I am thinking of niche I went with, if you use keyword tool on this stage it will give you keywords very different from what normal person will search if he is interesting in your niche. As an example when you think about Fast food you think about burgers, mcdonalds, donuts, kfc, chicken etc, if you enter fast food in keyword planner you will see completely different results, you need to know what ppl search as they are your targeted audience.

Another grate way to find good keywords is to search for your keyword+forum and go inside forums and look for created thread and section to understand niche market, as well you can use wikipedia to find dozen of keywords and ideas.

After your list is done you can use tool to check amount of search terms to determinate useless keywords. Normally on this stage I am using keyword tool to find related keywords and long tails. Do not forget to choose region and country you target.

In my case it was more easy as I target very specific local keywords, not to many search terms people use to find niche I target, so each site will target about 3 main keywords (mostly medium competition on some sites high), about 5-7 body keywords (for each keyword different page - medium competition), and about 15-20 long tail keywords, they have very low searches, I will use them in seo process and some for articles, which I will add before I start link building campaign to looks more natural, I still building sites, so will not talk about it now. Normally when you rank for body keyword you rank for long tails automatically.

In my case I target yandex as my main SE, yandex still count exact match keywords, so keyword research process will be different, as exact much keywords and broad keywords searches are quite different, and in Russian languages even words placement is matter. For marketers it plus as it give you advantages to find good keywords with low competition.

Last step you will do in KW research process is check competition, again if we talk about Yandex and Google, each will have it is own way to find competition, at the same time process in many stages will be the same. I will try to cover difference shortly. Both SE like quality sources, unique content and aged domains, both engines love back links, but yandex and google like different types of links.

Seo For Yandex and Google what is different ???

Google updating search results in a real time, yandex is static, during yandex update is much more movement happen

Link Farms - If google fighting with unusual links, smapp links from a long time,Yandex just a few months ago introduced an algorithm that cancels the reference ranking for commercial requests. In Google seo you should be more accurate with back links.

Keyword anchors - Yandex like back links, with exact anchor keyword (phrase). And links without anchors like naked url or brand links much less effective it is increase only the static weight of the page. Google vice versa, like brand and naked links and mass direct anchor linking can cause ban.

Domain Age - In Yandex is really hard to hit top 3 results in competitive niche with new domain, but in google is still possible as it is priority quality of resource and use for visitors.

Content updates - Definitely - a new, unique and useful content to like both search engines. But! Google like resources with frequently updated content much more, for Yandex quality is more important than amount of texts.

Social Signals - It is hard to compare as with last changes behavioral factors important for both SE, as it's shows that content on this site is usefull for visitors and not made for ranking, still what I have seen that yandex is much more easy to rank with social signals and you should dreep feed them in google to avoid ban.

Unique Content - IMPORTANT for search engines, visitors and for conversion rate.

Now I do not want to go really deep in details about keyword competition, may be I ll cover it letter, shortly bellow

To check competition in google

  • you will need to know PageRank and Page Authority, high numbers hard to bit
  • Amount of referring domains, you can use ahrefs to find it
  • Domain Authority, high numbers hard to bit
  • Link Profile - Even if you find DA and PR can be misleading, if in top sites with spam links profile, ranking not will last for long time. Also you should check top 10 sites for links from strong big authority domains, it will be hard to bit.
  • as well you need to check how many pages uses keyword as a title, how many home pages and inner pages ranks.

For Yandex you will need to check

  • Ages of domains
  • Amount of back links and referring domains
  • citation Index it is Russian PR
  • as well you need to check how many pages uses keyword as a title, how many home pages and inner pages ranks.
  • You should check content of the site, amount of internal links with exact keywords.
cms setup and redesign

If you are new to IM do not make your life difficult and go with wordpress, in my case I went with wp as well, I took 3 purchased themes, try to buy theme or download from trusted members, run security plugins to check for injections and malwares. I redesigned theme for my purpose, it is looks good, easy navigation, easy to read.

Content - It written million times but I will repeat, content should be unique well researched, relevant and interesting to read. For main keywords I use 1500-3000 words, for body keywords 700-1000 words articles, posts 500-700 words articles.

I did not cover today on site seo and ad placement, it will be quite long post, I will talk about it tomorrow.

Plans for tomorrow

Build 2 sites, with unique content, social profiles, webmaster accounts, make and upload 6 videos on youtube, fix onsite seo, talk about onsite SEO and ad placement in Journey.

Add site to rank tracker - The one I use did not accepted my credit card, I transferred money to my webmoney account and will setup it letter today.
Fast update day 3-4, mother of my gf is here for vacation, last 2 days was't that productive, I have done 3 more sites, so total 11 by now (79 left), I did not make 9 videos, which I normally do 3*3video per each site, but hope I will handle it tomorrow.

More detailed update I will post in 2 days.
Plan for tomorrow: complete 2 sites, make 6 videos for them and at list +3 from 9 I did not make.

Nice journey and nice thread. I like the way you are going over the steps you are taking and telling about them in an informative way.
You journey is very ambitious, I hope you will achieve it and bank big ;)

One question that popped into my mind : How are you going to make high quality content for 90 websites ?! Is this all the same niche / keywords? Spun all content x 90? Or are they all different?

I subscribed, and looking formward to your next updates. Good luck!

Nice journey and nice thread. I like the way you are going over the steps you are taking and telling about them in an informative way.
You journey is very ambitious, I hope you will achieve it and bank big ;)

One question that popped into my mind : How are you going to make high quality content for 90 websites ?! Is this all the same niche / keywords? Spun all content x 90? Or are they all different?

I subscribed, and looking formward to your next updates. Good luck!

All content is different, I write it my self and as I posted before I have VA working for me, who is making 1 site per day, I type quite fast and I very well know subject I talk about, I just need some small research. I focus a lot on quality of articles, I believe there is nothing important more then content.
good luck

question: what are u mean in ,,make video,,?
how can i make video?
or buy on fivver?

this is important but i do not know how can i make videos
good luck

question: what are u mean in ,,make video,,?
how can i make video?
or buy on fivver?

this is important but i do not know how can i make videos

In my case I find nice videos about exactly my niche, I just remove sound from it (it is only music), use one which youtube provide for free and record my voice over, I just read in voice my main article from site and upload it to youtube. (I use camtasia studio for voice narration )
Hi m.rvs2141,

It's great to see you put so much effort in explaining every step you do, i will definitely follow your thread!
I'm planning to start also a travel niche website(s) in my own mother-language.
Isn't it much cheaper to start just 1 big authority website instead of 90 small websites? 90 websites will cost more and you will need to do linkbuilding on all 90 websites. What are your thought about that?

With kindly regards,
Hi m.rvs2141,

It's great to see you put so much effort in explaining every step you do, i will definitely follow your thread!
I'm planning to start also a travel niche website(s) in my own mother-language.
Isn't it much cheaper to start just 1 big authority website instead of 90 small websites? 90 websites will cost more and you will need to do linkbuilding on all 90 websites. What are your thought about that?

With kindly regards,

Yes you are right, it will be much cheaper to start one big website, and I have done it already, I have local travel website with a lot of content and it pays back very well, bringing stable and good income every month. On beginning I was thinking to include all of this products into one website, but what I think that single website for each product will convert better, visitors will be very targeted and in future I can use this network for my link building campaigns, also for data collection is better.

Also I would like to add if you go for travel destination as your niche will be better idea to have one authority site, but on my case each website it self represent separate travel product, so from this side you can call my sites sells page with few articles targeting main and body keywords.
You're doing a great job. Making 100-$200 a day is quite the way to go. I believe you'll gradually go up in earnings in no time. Good luck!
Why in russian? Economica rosii padaet, tyragenstva zakrivaytsa, cena klika v adsense malenkaa. Economics in Russia collapsed, tourism is going down, PPC cost is low so why make Russian sites?
Why in russian? Economica rosii padaet, tyragenstva zakrivaytsa, cena klika v adsense malenkaa. Economics in Russia collapsed, tourism is going down, PPC cost is low so why make Russian sites?

Try to look to this situation from other side, when crisis and economics problems happen, people still taking vacation and travel, sure it is effect a lot travel market in general but as well it is change market. As you still need to go vacation you will looking for cheaper destinations, in other words if you use to spent 6 000$ for family vacation, you will look for 3k deals and will discover other cheap destinations as well local travel spots will be more popular.

Regarding CPC question You can have a look at this screenshot, it is new Russian local travel niche (I am sure you know the one I talk about) http://gyazo.com/a8df15611007d584f804adaf3fbef323

Even with new ruble rate 1$-62p it is still very good cpc, as well as monthly searches, competition is low to medium, some keywords high,
For me it is very easy to create quality Russian article, visitors will find grate info, I plan to have good conversion rate.
I have site about America on Russian with unequal articles and old domain :-) and there are only 300 unique in month CPC very slow from Adsense. I don`t know, maybe it is because Russia very hates USA :-)