My blog featured on a major news channel and interviewed


Jul 13, 2010
Reaction score
So my site was featured on a major news channel and I was shown on video showing talking about my blog topic.

I get about 30k - 50k hits per month.

I don't have any ads yet on my blog because I never thought of making money off it. It's only the past week that my friends have told me I should try to gets sponsors.

1) I want to take advantage of the exposure but don't know what to do

2) My blog is about entertainment, what's the best way to contatct potential advertisers and how much should I charge for it?

Start off with adsense or CPA. Then companies will start contacting you with offers.

Private message me your blog url.
Yup start with CPA and Optins too. This is the right time to get most out of it. I say, flip if for quick cash before traffic dries.
A quick way is to slap on some adsense and get the email list going. You can then start playing around with CPA and whatnot, because those will take a little longer to optimize for your traffic sources.

Like what carson said above, you have to get on it before the traffic dies down or levels out. That's great that your blog got such great exposure. Goodluck with monetizing it!
Thanks for the help guys.

With the e-mail list, what fields should be included on the form (address, phone, etc). Besides having subscribers to my site, what good is this list for?

Thanks again.
Congratulations! I love stories like that!

At least get first name and e-mail. There are many benefits to have a list of people and their e-mails. The greatest is that you can them market to them over and over as well as bring them back to your site.

For example, you send them an e-mail each week with an article, link back to your site, and/or some way to make money. (An ad, basically.)

So as you start to consider selling ad space on your blog, keep in mind that as your list grows, you can sell ad space in the e-mails, too. Like a newsletter, basically.