my adult subreddit + your promotion/advertisement


Regular Member
Jan 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hello looking for people who can grow a subreddit with me. Its brand new and no members yet but i believe it has great potential to be big. If you help me grow it to atleast 1k new members or more then i'll make you a moderator. Once our subreddit is big, we can easily promote there our adult affiliate products or any adult related affiliate programs. just post on this thread that your interested and i'll pm you the link to the subreddit. I'm only going to pm a very few so i would know who i will make as moderators and you have to prove to me that you have adult traffic that can work on reddit.
JV Approved.

Please note: When you go into partnership with another member, you MUST do your own due diligence. All partners in a venture take full responsibility for the service and for each other's actions in respect to that service. If any member breaks the marketplace rules, all partners will bear the consequences.

Remember, use your head, don't expect everything to be perfect and plan on working to be successful as almost no business opportunity just pours cash into your hands without some elbow grease.

Good luck with this

If you have no real interest in this opportunity, please refrain from posting & cluttering up the thread.