multi web2.0 properties VS multi articles in same web2.0, which is better?


Regular Member
Sep 9, 2010
Reaction score
for example, i have 1 site with 2 keywords to seo: with "red apple" and "green apple"

i have created 50 web2.0s and have done 1 cycle for "red apple", should I create new properties for "green apple" or just continue to add articles on the old web2.0?
Arggg, I saw this in my RSS feed and thought "Great, I've been wondering about this myself", only to find no one has posted a response :(

My gut feeling is that you have to start another set of properties. I don't think Google would continue to give you link juice from the same properties for more than a couple links back to the main site. Otherwise you could just have one site with thousands of links on it.
Quality over Quantity I would do 5-10 articles on each web 2.0 and then start a new set
Just continue in what you are doing. But don't forget to add value in your articles.
Pretty old thread but I love to reply, maybe someone will again visit this thread and my answer may help those people.

This totally depends on your effort if you have already build the web2.0 properties with some great content and you achieved the good amount of authority to these web2.0 and can't spend more money to extablish again these kinds of web2.0 then you can get the backlink for the second keyword from these old web2.0s. However I will prefer you to build all new web2.0 for the second keyword and again achieve the good amount of authority to these blogs by posting unique and high quality content regularly and by building tier 2 links.