Multi Swivel Toggle Flange for Routers

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Regular Member
Oct 19, 2008
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The more I lurn the dumber i feel.

Is there a noobs thread in here somewhere, where I can ask insanely irritatating questions like whats a no follow and whats a PR7, and whats a ******** ?

I always liked to show how smart i am until i came here, well to hell with that game. dumb dumb will work for me until i get a handle on some of this stuff.

And i am not going to hold back in looking or sound silly when it comes to asking question so go easy on the slaps.

So far its been an increadible place to be, just like sneeking into a toy store after hours.

The more I lurn the dumber i feel.

Is there a noobs thread in here somewhere, where I can ask insanely irritatating questions like whats a no follow and whats a PR7, and whats a ******** ?

I always liked to show how smart i am until i came here, well to hell with that game. dumb dumb will work for me until i get a handle on some of this stuff.

And i am not going to hold back in looking or sound silly when it comes to asking question so go easy on the slaps.

So far its been an increadible place to be, just like sneeking into a toy store after hours.


Actually, and I'm not trying to be a smart ass at all, I'm trying to give you the easiest answer to your questions, you can just google most stuff like this and get easy answers to the easy questions.

For the more complex stuff, don't be afraid to ask if you've already searched Big G and tried the search function here.


What is "PR7"?


What is "nofollow"?


What is "********"?
the clever answers are here in this forum that why I asked.

dont worry i ve been all over this forum like a termite in a wood pile.

just wanted know if there was a nood thread and i go the answer, nup.

I hit google and see how i go.

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