Moving to higher lvl - my journey to 100+/d with CPA


Registered Member
Feb 15, 2014
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Hello everyone!

Today I decided to make my first journey topic, never done it before. I hope you will enjoy it and give me advices! Yeah, thats the reason I wanted to start this journey: to learn.

Shortly about me:
Hmm, I'm 24 y/o fresh graduated from tech university, my hobbies are: CS:GO, movies, IM, expanding my knowleage about things I would love to do (reef tanks, traveling, 3d printing and a lot more).

My story:
My friend introduced me to PPA(that how we call CPA in Poland I guess) like 1.5 year ago (november 2013?). He shown me his 380 dollars, earned from Internet! That was amazing for me, I knew there were ways to earn money online but what he showed me was so simple! Making gamehacking related blogs and earning real money. Yeah, back then I was thinking this is so simple :) Then I faced real life and started to learning all about IM: making landing pages, discovering ways to monetize traffic, making yt seo, seo technics, what this is all about. Then I found one game related niche and started working on it. I was like january when I started making money on it. I based on YT only. I have made pretty good cash - like 2.3k dollars - from one niche. Then in march I found normal job, related to my studies and it was so time consuming, I had to stop doing IM - yeah maybe I was lazy but working 10h daily in normal job and after that doing IM was too much for me! But I quit job in middle january of 2015 and here I am! I really want to bank with IM and I hope I'll be able to achive this!

What network I'm using?
Now I'm using CpaLead. I found that CpaLead converts better for niche no.1 than CpaGrip. After reaching 1000 clicks per day (not unique clicks!), I'll make flip-tests too see wich network work better now. Then I think I will make PHP script wich will filter users from different countries and then move them to networks where theirs countries converts better. But now I try to keep focus on traffic!

What I'm doing now:
I try to learn as much as I can every day:
  • I discovered smart ways of finding new niches,
  • I learned JS, CSS, HTML, PHP - not in expert lvl - but I can read it, edit it and use it,
  • Learning SEO,
  • Working on 3 niches.

  • My old niche is in "sleeping mode" right now, but I know it will work in future,
  • 1st project: I made nice video of this niche in mid 2014 and left it. Now in January I found that, the video reached 1k daily views, so it should work. I have made nice website, nice content locker and start making money with CPA :) I bought small SEO service for it and I think it is working. 42 1st tier backlinks were indexed in Google Webmasters. However this service wasn't made manually and articles was unique but pretty shitty. I know that it was my mistake but niche is very small, traffic mostly come from YT and my all keywords reached top 10, it sum there is 1790 monthly searches according to google keyword planner,
  • 2nd and 3rd projects: There are pretty similar niches, but I made them different-looking websites, bought keyword-domains and I bought SEO services for them. I hope this is good move - I picked up 2 most popular services from BHW and now im waiting for results. No movements so far. I think 3 weeks more and keywords will go up. Positions and MS(2nd and 3rd):

BTW: I'm using Wordpress in all projects so far.

Earnings in Feburary 2015 (so far only 1st niche):


My target is to get 100$ daily income before June.
Short term targets are: 10$ average daily in Feburary and achiving 30$ peak and 500 clicks till end of March.

My plans and questions to you:
I'm planning to move on with new whitehat niches with bigger potential (~200k monthly searches) and mid competition so: start to making new websites for them and everything. But I dont know if SEO will work for me? Seo services chosen by me are very popular here and results shown in thier topics are very good but still, I'm afraid I can fail with them.. This is very first time with SEO for me... Should I start working on new niches or better to spend this time on searching better niches, learning better methods of monetization and everything? Or maybe go back to YT SEO? For now I choose researching niches, planing content and looking at competition for like 1.5 weeks -> then start doing websites -> then wait for cash from niche no.1 -> then if seo will work invest money in new niches. I think rushing too much isn't good in that buisness right?

TBH I hope your eyes will not bleed after reading my english!:)
Sounds like you got a solid plan and you know your stuff. All the best. Subscribed and will be following on your journey.
Day no.1:
What I have done? I was researching for new niches whole day, I found 2 low competetive niches, 400k+ monthly searches and they are similar. By "low comp" I mean low competition in CPA (1 or 2 guys) - they have very shitty websites but they are in top 10 in lots of keywords. I think I will invest money in these niches, if niches no.2 and no.3 will bring me money. Some keywords have high comp so I need to buy valuable articles and place them on good websites.
I would say I have already made 60% of keywords research for these niches. Lets call them niches no.4 and no.5.
I also finished website for niche no.3.

What now?
Now I'm working on very good monetization method, of course IMO, for niches no.4 and no.5. I want to make website, where users of my service related niche can gain credits for these services. To make it I need to learn how POSTBACK TOOL. To learn that I need to learn how to use JSON and javascript in html sites.
Also I'am searching for good template for these niches.

Earnings for 18.02? 1.88$!!!
I dont know WTF but sometimes it just dont convert... I have stable UCR at lvl 10% then for 1 day I have UCR like 3%. I had 98 views, 90 clicks, 90 unique clicks and 2 conversions :P

My question:
Do somebody want to help me to build this monetization?:)

of course thanks for intrest in my topic:)
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Report no.2:
Not much work was done in IM yesterday, I was helping my dad at hi work for like 12h so no time for other things.

What today?
Today I'll continue making perfect sites for niches no.4 and no.5 and I will buy domains for them. I will go into keyword-domains as always.
I finished keyword research for them - 190k and 230k of monthly searches in US.
Monetization wich I mentioned about in last post will be made this weekend aswell (hopefully).

I really don't know wtf is with conversion but yesterday was second bad day. 2.88$ and 3.08$ for 19th and 20th of Feburary :(

Maybe someone know how to opt. offers for countries different than US on CpaLead?
After finishing niches no.4 and no.5 I will make that traffic-spliting script wich I mentioned about becouse non-us traffic converts better at CpaGrip imo.
Hello everyone!

What im doing?
I was totaly sick for 2 days but I made some work :)
Keyword of niches no3 and no4 are going up! I am very happy with that! :) Hopefully I will start earning with them in closest time :) I think websites are 100% ready to start earning becouse all is done and waiting for traffic.

To be honest I was pretty pissed off becouse of very low week, but end of the week was littlebit better: 21.02 $6.47 22.02 $20.41 23.02 $12.82
10$/day is still possible! :)

While I was sick I was reading a lot about non-incentive offers and I would like to give a try for them. I have already applied for non-incentive CpaLead account.
So while I am waiting for my first SEO results im learning about non-incentive AND wich is more important I am working on niches no5 and no6: content is already planned, I have found awesome wordpress theme for them. Now I'll make websites for them on subdomains, then I'll transfer them to good domains and will allow googlebot to index them :) These are pretty big niches with some comp but I think I will bank on them if I will apply my monetization method! :)

Stay tuned!

PS I am still looking for someone who is good in postback or direct offers! :)
Well guys, I am making constantly 10-20$ a day and still waiting for SEO results.

Seo for niche no1 gave me results: 5/5 keywords in top 10, 4/5 top 5 and one keyword top1.

no3 and no4 are growing. had couple leads from them and I think they have potential when they generate leads from page 4-6 (now). I will post another update if something changes.

I am working on website for no4. wich will be pretty big so it consume much time (i like details :D). I think no4 and no5 have freaking big potential so I will do my best and we will see! Stay tuned! :D

BTW I'm still looking for folks who will help me with things I have mentioned in previous posts :)
Hey jakubek, I see You didnt get much reply from other members although You wrote very detailed posts. I'd like to hear more from You, maybe others will look closer at this thread too :) Keep us updated. I see Your having a good starting earnings so far!

So from what I have read, Your ranking YT videos related to Your niche and send the viewer to Your website? Mind giving out some info on how do You rank Your vids?