Movies (what to watch?)


Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
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hey peoples im a bit of a movie fanatic looolz (i know i should use this 'talent' to make cash but i just do it to cut out some time for meee in my life).

Anyhows im struggling for ideas on movies to watch.... i prefer newer movies.... but have watched alot of movies in my time and so needs to be really good and a while ago that i watched it to watch again...

the most recent movies ive seen are.....

saw 5
sex drive
madagascar 2
open season 2
Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Role Models

A load more but ya know how it is i forget the names....


thanks peoples :) and make it quick im bored of making money for tonight :P
Haha same problem I watched all the new releases and after slogging away today I feel like watching a movie but cant find any. Try the new 007 movie, max payne, or eden lake (this is a great brit flick (horror/thriller)

Any suggestions I fancy watching a hacking film I have not seen or a film with a great twist but I have seen all the well known blockbuster ones!
i watched , my best friends girl today in cineama and now just finished with vantage poin.that was awesome
vantage poin..... sure you dont mean vintage porn??

good suggestions so far....

what are these hacker films you talk about??
Check this list:


If you have not seen then I suggest 13th floor, antitrust and takedown all very good.

Some are just listed as they have hacking elements in them.
"about computer hacking and GEEKS" loool not all people that work on a pc are a geek they are just usually alot more intelligent than ya average folk

thanks guys :)
You should really watch 21 it's about some guys cheating while playing poker (card counting)

Here is an article:

Great movie!
these days dont come such good movies so often =/

max payne and bond was qutie good actually, i would wanted bond use more of those automatic weapons =/, but shit happends o_O

abuot hacking movies i watched that untraceable sometime ago , dam it was so retarted. He made that only US can check his website. They would have needed only put that US people cant go there lol.

88 minutes is good movie
babylon A.D was good to
the omen series is worth it imo
undisputed 2 if you like fighting movies ( in that case all old chinese kung fu movies :O)

And rememmber stay away from movies starting with "THE" they suck 99% ;D ie THE strangers, THE mist, saw some trailer about THE blindness or so , lol was soo stupid

anyways gl
If you haven't seen it fight club, equilibrium is quite good.
catch me if you can :) never seen it to be honest but heard that it is really blackhat movie :D
Just finished watching good will hunting.... great film.... now its 4am so going to watch one more then call it a night :P
now watched eden falls and that was a great movie and pritty sad and sick too.... nice to see a british horror film (there seems to be a shortage)
watch a few asian movies if you've not seen some: "survive style 5+" is one of my favourites! also "a tale of 2 sisters", "oldboy" and "memories of a murder" - but the movies are a bit older...

but "burn after reading" also was pretty cool. "eagle eye" also was nice to watch.
If you want some great british films that are new and hidden gems:

Summer Scars
The Last Horror Movie
Dead Set (Big Brother Zombie Series)
Kidulthood & Adulthood
Donkey Punch

Also defo watch 'Taken' the new thriller with Liam Neeson. Its the best film I have seen since 'Running Scared' with Paul Walker - another great.

If you like the Martial Arts try these:

District 13
Born to Fight
i suggest lucky number sleven awsome movie great twist i know its not a new release but awsome movie. As for saw 5 i hated it dont recommend that movie. Also speed racer cronny graphics but awsome story line. wanted is another. i have seen just about all videos out there. As i am currently deployed and thats all the entertainment i have besides bhw lol.
An awesome asian flick(s) is the Infernal Affairs Trilogy. It's what they based The Departed on. Decent remake, but I still like the original better. I second the Old Boy recommendation.