Move Over John Phillips! Email Sex Scandal Shakes Cornell’s Campus

The Scarlet Pimp

Supreme Member
Apr 2, 2008
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BREAKING! The Email Scandal That Just Shook Cornell?s Campus!

Everyone has had at least one bad email incident that they've had to learn from. Some involve, say, sending an invitation and forgetting to bcc everyone. Or worse, sending an email complaining about your boss to, er, your boss, named Sarah (instead of your best friend Sarah).

But, NO ONE, and we mean NO ONE has had a worse email gaffe than John X did about an hour ago...

The Cornell Business School Tech Consultant managed to pass on his entire long and very steamy exchange with his mistress, Lisa (another Cornell Business Employee), TO THE ENTIRE SCHOOL. :D

Both are married (but probably not for much longer). :eek:

Click below for the entire email exchange, including photos of the two. It seems like a joke, but we assure you, this is real life, folks, and it?s not pretty.

(for that matter, neither is Lisa) :D

Cheating Lothario accidentally emails his sex letters to entire school campus:

Follow up:
"I accidentally emailed a picture of myself, nude, to everyone in my address book...

Not only was it embarrassing, but I spent a fortune on postage."