Most Epic Video of All Time. [Every coach and guru wrapped into one]


Elite Member
Feb 21, 2012
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This is EXACTLY how every coach and guru looks to those who are smart enough to see through the cloud of crap.

This is the funniest videos I have seen in a long time.


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Lmfao what an idiot but a good comparison!.. sadly "smart enough" is a dying breed we are lacking around here and in the "industry" as a whole. But yeah real eyes.. will always realize.. real lies.
but this is still how people will react to it...
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A K.O. would have been nice though.
Love this. Stop listening to these so called gurus
look at whats successful and copy,
Fuck, that was funny. I like the way he didn't stop believing in himself even after the 5th attempt and the apperance of blood. I would pay to see that live lol
The guy filming must have got the job saying that he would act as that clown's Social Media Manager, hence the laugh at the end, when he realises he can bank hard from a clown like that.
Extra lolz with the exasperated voice of his mother/live in career asking "What happened? Did you hurt yourself?"
One thing is that one "method" doesnt work and another thing is to keep doing something that clearly doesnt work LOL
He believed in himself but he totally forgot the plan of action! xD