More side effect covid19


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Nov 2, 2008
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From Wales - another side effect of covid19


just like 4 days ago - a young guy in his 30s was on the BBC news crying,
his wife also in her 30s and fit, had the vax a week ago, then died.
i looked at my misses and said, the government will say nothing to see here

Lisa Shaw death: Husband calls for vaccine choice​

A man whose wife's death is being investigated over possible links to
the AstraZeneca Covid-19 jab is calling for people to have their
choice of vaccine.
You should do a comparison between how many dies from the disease itself or have severe and long-term damage and how many have serious complications from the vaccination. There is a way greater chance to have serious side effects from covid itself than from vaccination. But as you already said, it's your choice.

Here in north europe gov is giving power to companies to fire people who are against vaccination, and I like this decision, hope it will get popular in other countries as well.
So here’s the thing, i have had covid at least 5 times now and nothing has ever happened to me.

I have never seen anyone die from covid personally.

But I have met people that have lost loved ones as a result of the pfizer / astra jabs.

So I won’t be getting the vaccine.

Plus, i’m a selfish bastard. So when people say “oh you are putting others at risk.”

Frankly, I don’t care. :)
You should do a comparison between how many dies from the disease itself or have severe and long-term damage and how many have serious complications from the vaccination. There is a way greater chance to have serious side effects from covid itself than from vaccination. But as you already said, it's your choice.

Here in north europe gov is giving power to companies to fire people who are against vaccination, and I like this decision, hope it will get popular in other countries as well.
Toxic thinking. Extremely toxic thinking.
You should do a comparison between how many dies from the disease itself or have severe and long-term damage and how many have serious complications from the vaccination. There is a way greater chance to have serious side effects from covid itself than from vaccination. But as you already said, it's your choice.

Here in north europe gov is giving power to companies to fire people who are against vaccination, and I like this decision, hope it will get popular in other countries as well.
Bruh that's negative
Here in north europe gov is giving power to companies to fire people who are against vaccination, and I like this decision, hope it will get popular in other countries as well.
I´m just curious, in what country in north europe are the goverment giving companies the right to fire people that do not take the vaccine? Never heard of this before.
I´m just curious, in what country in north europe are the goverment giving companies the right to fire people that do not take the vaccine? Never heard of this before.
Latvia. Well, you can avoid being vaccinated, but you will need to do tests every few days at your own cost. Source.

Armed forces will have mandatory vaccination against covid and have given a deadline of a few months or as an option to leave the service for those who disagree. Source.
Latvia. Well, you can avoid being vaccinated, but you will need to do tests every few days at your own cost. Source.

Armed forces will have mandatory vaccination against covid and have given a deadline of a few months or as an option to leave the service for those who disagree. Source.
Ok, when you wrote north europe, I thought you where talking about the real north europe, like sweden, norway or finland .. but I guess Latvia is nearly north to then .. =)
Ok, when you wrote north europe, I thought you where talking about the real north europe, like sweden, norway or finland .. but I guess Latvia is nearly north to then .. =)
shhhhhhh. Wikipedia says we're north. bless the kind soul who edited the article and changed from east to north. it was done by latvian probably, haha.

anyhow, let's stick to the topic, proxygo tends to get emotional when people are chatting on his threads.
But, but, you couldn't stay away posting .. ,-)

LOL Yeah :D

And I'm still here :D What an idiot <---- ME! :D

Anyway, inb4 it gets locked for obvious reasons LOL

Dear Lord, will we ever as human beings agree on something!