Monetizing Proxy Sites


Regular Member
Nov 3, 2008
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Hey all, this is my first thread, so take it easy on me :)

I have about 10 proxy sites right now, some relatively new but most are over a year old. I use Adsense on the main pages, and Adversal on the proxified pages of two of the sites. I make about $20 a month from Adversal, and around $100 from Adsense, which is only slightly more than what I'm paying for hosting.

What do you guys use to monetize your proxies? I need to do something else here to make these profitable. I tried adding AdBrite, but when I insert the code into index.php (I'm using PHProxy on most, Glype on one) it breaks the site. I know I'm putting it in the right place too.

Anyway, any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
the adbrite code seems to hang the site sometimes. I suggest you use adversal or bidvertiser.

I also sell some ad space for cheap. make some $$$ from it

You also have to target your ads to the 16-24 male group :) Maybe AFF

good luck
So you don't find that Adversal's popunder ads drive away repeat users? I have adversal on two of my proxies, but I'm hesitant to roll it out on any of the other ones for fear that people who use the sites regularly will get annoyed and look elsewhere for proxies.
i am also relatively new to the proxy busines...this thread can really help me...please guys give some tips...
I could probably give some advice depending upon what it is you're looking for help with...
What proxy script do you guys recommend running?
In order to monetize a proxy site, I would collect some data on where my users were coming from, and where they were going.

I'm not talking about spying on individual people, just getting a rough idea of who is using the service, and why. If most people are using it to surf MySp4ce from work, or what have you, etc.

Once you have your demographic down, find targeted offers for that demo, and then figure out how to get that into your proxy.
@mightybh: That's pretty slick, especially in terms of doing nothing that runs the risk of getting banned.
I've done what mightybh has done too - breaking my proxy sites.

In fact, you could even just do that once in awhile to boost your income for a day or two - that works well.

You might also want to take a look at TNX for the main pages of your site - I don't know if they would approve the site or not, but if it has PR, then you should be good to go.
PHPProxy is a resource hog, if you were to change all your proxies into Glype or something better, you wouldn't need to spend as much on hosting which would increase your profit margins. Also try out popunders like CanepMedia.