- Oct 9, 2013
- 3,115
- 12,589
This is something I've never really seen talked about on blackhatworld..
It's something you hear a lot in the wider motivational community, but it's done in a way that's too cheesy and not practical enough.
It's doing what you love.
The Theory & the Whys
I'm sure we've all heard that before and we just automatically disregard it as irrelevant to ourselves. "Oh. That would be nice, but I need to make money first and pay my bills, then I'll be happy and do what I love"
Well, it doesn't work like that.
You can't feel depression, unhappiness, lack, unfulfilled desires, and especially fear, and just magically expect some money making method + a little hard work to change all that.
This thread included. This thread holds NO power and nothing that will change your life. All I can do with these words is awaken something within you that will spark your own fires again.
Regardless of your beliefs, very few people will deny that "like attracts like". When do you ever see a fearful depressed person enjoy abundance, luck, good fortune and favorable circumstance?
Moaners attract other moaners, and they revel in their complaint and disdain of life.
The depressed attract isolation.
Fearful people attract all sorts of crap.
On the other end of the coin, happy people attract other happy people. Good things happen to them more often. People want to be around them. People want to do business with them. Successful and confident people inspire and motivate others around them and create a powerful "aura" around them where everything they come into contact with improves and "turns to gold".
Patterns of Failure & Suffering
The root of all suffering comes from not living in the present moment. That means, we're constantly focused on the future or the past.
For us, in business, that tends to be one of a few things.
1) Focusing on past failures. Feeling depressed, self-pity about perceived lack of success.
2) Focusing on the future and projecting happiness into the future. Telling yourself you'll be happy and be able to do everything you love when you make money.
3) Focusing on the future and worrying about every little detail, what could go wrong, what you'll need to do if X, Y and Z happens.
When you do this, you fill your mind with absolute GARBAGE that drains you of all your energy.
Net result = you have nothing left for the present moment. The present moment is where it all happens. It's where you sit at your computer and build sites, write articles, do your SEO, make contacts, fix problems.
You might be able to work up enough energy to have a half-hearted attempt at something, but you quickly run out of energy when realize that happy future you're dreaming of isn't close. You'll then feel drained and to distract your mind from the suffering you'll go and watch some tv, go out with friends etc. A few days later you'll be slightly energized from the relaxation and you'll want to try again. You'll come back on bhw, read a few motivational journeys and be ready to do it differently this time. This time it will be different. Fast forward 1 week and you're burnt out again.
If this pattern reminds you of your life, then read on, because my article contains words to awaken your own inner drive.
Becoming Happier, Stronger, Faster!
This is generally the hard bit, but it's not as hard as you think.
Before you can first have all the things you want, you need to stop wanting them(At least stop wanting them SO BADLY, a little desire is fine.)
Instead of WANTING everything. Learn to LIKE things.
You can like a porsche without having a burning desire to own one. You can like money without NEEDING it right NOW.
The Buddhists talk about letting go of desires. Most people misunderstand. Letting go of desires doesn't mean you are destined to meditate in a dark room forever. It means you stop projecting your energy and thoughts into something that's not real, doesn't exist now, so that you have your power and energy here, now, to take action in this very moment.
So you need to do this :
Decide right now to stop trying to get rich. Stop trying to change your life. Stop trying to fix everything.
Don't be afraid of that. Don't think if you stop desiring to be rich, you will be poor. It's the OPPOSITE. Even the most money hungry billionaires do not DESIRE money. If they ever did desire it, it was only a very light desire. What they felt was more in line with passion in the moment to succeed and be the best. No one who has a strong desire for money and believes money will bring them happiness will ever get money until they change that.
Look around at your current life.
Realize that it's probably pretty damn OK. If you're online reading this, your life is definitely not as bad as you think.
So ask yourself. COULD I be happy, right now? What's stopping me?
What the fuck will be different when I have a million $? A porsche? A big house? What good does that do? So you go out in your porsche and you get some attention from people, then you come back to your house and you sit at your desk..
Do you feel better after that?
You're a millionaire, with a porsche, and people want to be you. But you're now just sitting at your desk. Like me, like everyone else here reading this article.
Will the memory of driving that porsche make you feel happier when you are back at your desk?
99% of your life is going to be spent just doing what you do. Sleeping, shitting, eating food, talking with friends, doing your work. So you have a big house. You can go for a drive in your porsche. Will these things REALLY change how you feel in the long term? You only feel depressed because you've convinced yourself you need these things to be happy.
Now, if these things won't actually make you happy, and when you have them, you'll just be doing more of the same stuff you're doing now..
Then why not just choose to be happy with what you have now. It's just a decision.
Happiness is JUST a decision!
Try it.
Now that you've decided "Ok. I'm going to just be happy.", you'll feel a surge of energy. It may only be slight, but you'll feel lighter, more energized. You'll feel free.
You are free. Remember, you don't need anything. You're only going to do things for FUN. I'm writing this article for FUN. I feel energized and I want to share, so I write. After this I'm going to write another chapter of my on-page guide, then I'm going to do the plans for a couple of new SEO experiments, then I'm going to build a few web 2's, 301's and do some GSA and rankerx blasts to those 301's to build up some web 2 properties for one of my amazon review sites.
Why am I doing it? Because I enjoy it. If I was worth 10million I would be doing the same thing. Mark Zuckerberg is just doing what he was doing when he was building Facebook. He's just working away in his jeans and t-shirt because it's fun and how he wants to spend his day.
So here's the most important thing and the JUICE of this article.
Excuse me while I bring out the brash, intrusive red text.
Stop doing things you don't enjoy so that in the future you can do things you do enjoy.
You don't have to find your absolute highest passion.
On a scale of 1 to 10.
10 is your highest passion.
1 is your biggest hate. (Think listening to a 3 hour lecture by Matt Cutts on building good content)
5 is neutral - I don't mind this, it's not fun, but it's not boring either.
Find a 7 or an 8.
Here's another big secret for you that the "follow your passion" woo-woo crowd don't know about.
Following your absolute highest passion will always lead to amazing things, BUT, it won't always lead to financial success. I like money and business, as do all you guys, so we do want financial success, and not just success.
Now after all that. I've yet to share the big secret to achieving financial success. If I left this bit out, the rest of the stuff wouldn't be so useful.
Here it is visually.
All the chat was just to prepare you for that.
That's all there is to it.
Pick something you like, that makes money that you're good at. If there's nothing you're good at that makes money, then that's ok, just know it'll be a slow, but pleasurable journey.
Many people either pick something that makes money, but they dislike, or a complete passion project with no financial potential.
Find the sweet spot. It's where financial success is waiting..
This is why I said the guide is practical. It's not just a bunch of cliches about finding your passion.
Get analytical. Write out a whole list of things you're good at and a whole list of things you enjoy.
Rate each out of 10 for enjoyment and skill.
Next, use that shortlist to choose potential projects that have a chance of being a financial success.
Maybe you can write and you enjoy fitness? Create an amazon review fitness authority site. There's so many fitness products you can target.
Maybe you're a programmer. Pick projects where you get to write fun tools.(This is me)
And if you only learn one thing from my article I'd like it to be this :
Stop doing things you don't enjoy so that one day you can do things you do enjoy.
It's something you hear a lot in the wider motivational community, but it's done in a way that's too cheesy and not practical enough.
It's doing what you love.
The Theory & the Whys

I'm sure we've all heard that before and we just automatically disregard it as irrelevant to ourselves. "Oh. That would be nice, but I need to make money first and pay my bills, then I'll be happy and do what I love"
Well, it doesn't work like that.
You can't feel depression, unhappiness, lack, unfulfilled desires, and especially fear, and just magically expect some money making method + a little hard work to change all that.
This thread included. This thread holds NO power and nothing that will change your life. All I can do with these words is awaken something within you that will spark your own fires again.
Regardless of your beliefs, very few people will deny that "like attracts like". When do you ever see a fearful depressed person enjoy abundance, luck, good fortune and favorable circumstance?
Moaners attract other moaners, and they revel in their complaint and disdain of life.
The depressed attract isolation.
Fearful people attract all sorts of crap.
On the other end of the coin, happy people attract other happy people. Good things happen to them more often. People want to be around them. People want to do business with them. Successful and confident people inspire and motivate others around them and create a powerful "aura" around them where everything they come into contact with improves and "turns to gold".
Patterns of Failure & Suffering

The root of all suffering comes from not living in the present moment. That means, we're constantly focused on the future or the past.
For us, in business, that tends to be one of a few things.
1) Focusing on past failures. Feeling depressed, self-pity about perceived lack of success.
2) Focusing on the future and projecting happiness into the future. Telling yourself you'll be happy and be able to do everything you love when you make money.
3) Focusing on the future and worrying about every little detail, what could go wrong, what you'll need to do if X, Y and Z happens.
When you do this, you fill your mind with absolute GARBAGE that drains you of all your energy.
Net result = you have nothing left for the present moment. The present moment is where it all happens. It's where you sit at your computer and build sites, write articles, do your SEO, make contacts, fix problems.
You might be able to work up enough energy to have a half-hearted attempt at something, but you quickly run out of energy when realize that happy future you're dreaming of isn't close. You'll then feel drained and to distract your mind from the suffering you'll go and watch some tv, go out with friends etc. A few days later you'll be slightly energized from the relaxation and you'll want to try again. You'll come back on bhw, read a few motivational journeys and be ready to do it differently this time. This time it will be different. Fast forward 1 week and you're burnt out again.
If this pattern reminds you of your life, then read on, because my article contains words to awaken your own inner drive.
Becoming Happier, Stronger, Faster!

This is generally the hard bit, but it's not as hard as you think.
Before you can first have all the things you want, you need to stop wanting them(At least stop wanting them SO BADLY, a little desire is fine.)
Instead of WANTING everything. Learn to LIKE things.
You can like a porsche without having a burning desire to own one. You can like money without NEEDING it right NOW.
The Buddhists talk about letting go of desires. Most people misunderstand. Letting go of desires doesn't mean you are destined to meditate in a dark room forever. It means you stop projecting your energy and thoughts into something that's not real, doesn't exist now, so that you have your power and energy here, now, to take action in this very moment.
So you need to do this :
Decide right now to stop trying to get rich. Stop trying to change your life. Stop trying to fix everything.
Don't be afraid of that. Don't think if you stop desiring to be rich, you will be poor. It's the OPPOSITE. Even the most money hungry billionaires do not DESIRE money. If they ever did desire it, it was only a very light desire. What they felt was more in line with passion in the moment to succeed and be the best. No one who has a strong desire for money and believes money will bring them happiness will ever get money until they change that.
Look around at your current life.
Realize that it's probably pretty damn OK. If you're online reading this, your life is definitely not as bad as you think.
So ask yourself. COULD I be happy, right now? What's stopping me?
What the fuck will be different when I have a million $? A porsche? A big house? What good does that do? So you go out in your porsche and you get some attention from people, then you come back to your house and you sit at your desk..
Do you feel better after that?
You're a millionaire, with a porsche, and people want to be you. But you're now just sitting at your desk. Like me, like everyone else here reading this article.
Will the memory of driving that porsche make you feel happier when you are back at your desk?
99% of your life is going to be spent just doing what you do. Sleeping, shitting, eating food, talking with friends, doing your work. So you have a big house. You can go for a drive in your porsche. Will these things REALLY change how you feel in the long term? You only feel depressed because you've convinced yourself you need these things to be happy.
Now, if these things won't actually make you happy, and when you have them, you'll just be doing more of the same stuff you're doing now..
Then why not just choose to be happy with what you have now. It's just a decision.
Happiness is JUST a decision!
Try it.
Now that you've decided "Ok. I'm going to just be happy.", you'll feel a surge of energy. It may only be slight, but you'll feel lighter, more energized. You'll feel free.
You are free. Remember, you don't need anything. You're only going to do things for FUN. I'm writing this article for FUN. I feel energized and I want to share, so I write. After this I'm going to write another chapter of my on-page guide, then I'm going to do the plans for a couple of new SEO experiments, then I'm going to build a few web 2's, 301's and do some GSA and rankerx blasts to those 301's to build up some web 2 properties for one of my amazon review sites.
Why am I doing it? Because I enjoy it. If I was worth 10million I would be doing the same thing. Mark Zuckerberg is just doing what he was doing when he was building Facebook. He's just working away in his jeans and t-shirt because it's fun and how he wants to spend his day.
So here's the most important thing and the JUICE of this article.
Excuse me while I bring out the brash, intrusive red text.
Stop doing things you don't enjoy so that in the future you can do things you do enjoy.
You don't have to find your absolute highest passion.
On a scale of 1 to 10.
10 is your highest passion.
1 is your biggest hate. (Think listening to a 3 hour lecture by Matt Cutts on building good content)
5 is neutral - I don't mind this, it's not fun, but it's not boring either.
Find a 7 or an 8.
Here's another big secret for you that the "follow your passion" woo-woo crowd don't know about.
Following your absolute highest passion will always lead to amazing things, BUT, it won't always lead to financial success. I like money and business, as do all you guys, so we do want financial success, and not just success.
Now after all that. I've yet to share the big secret to achieving financial success. If I left this bit out, the rest of the stuff wouldn't be so useful.
Here it is visually.

All the chat was just to prepare you for that.
That's all there is to it.
Pick something you like, that makes money that you're good at. If there's nothing you're good at that makes money, then that's ok, just know it'll be a slow, but pleasurable journey.
Many people either pick something that makes money, but they dislike, or a complete passion project with no financial potential.
Find the sweet spot. It's where financial success is waiting..
This is why I said the guide is practical. It's not just a bunch of cliches about finding your passion.
Get analytical. Write out a whole list of things you're good at and a whole list of things you enjoy.
Rate each out of 10 for enjoyment and skill.
Next, use that shortlist to choose potential projects that have a chance of being a financial success.
Maybe you can write and you enjoy fitness? Create an amazon review fitness authority site. There's so many fitness products you can target.
Maybe you're a programmer. Pick projects where you get to write fun tools.(This is me)
And if you only learn one thing from my article I'd like it to be this :
Stop doing things you don't enjoy so that one day you can do things you do enjoy.
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