(Method) Use Custom Email in GMail

Faceless Men

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2016
Reaction score
gmail is a good email client but you have to pay $5 per month if you want to use a custom domain with gmail. But i will show you a method so that you can use your business email in gmail to send & receive emails

Step 1
Get a Gmail account & turn on 2 Factor Authentication. This is important as this method won't work without 2FA turned on

Step 2
Start email forwarding on your domain registrar. Most domain registrars offer email forwarding for free. I use namecheap as they provide free privacy too. Forward you email to your gmail account

example: [email protected] -> [email protected]
*@domain.com -> [email protected]

Step 3
Make sure you are receiving emails sent to your custom email into your gmail account. Then go to Google account security and create an app password. Choose "Mail" on "Windows Computer" as device. And copy this password somewhere safe

Step 4
Go to gmail settings > Accounts and click add email. Then enter your custom email & uncheck "treat as alias". Then on next step, enter "smtp.gmail.com" as SMTP server & your gmail as login username. Now enter the app password we created in step 3 as password. You will receive a confirmation mail with verification code. Enter the verification code and verify that you own the custom domain email

Step 5
You can now send from your custom domain & receive to your custom domain email in GMail dashboard. If you want, you can make your custom email as "default" send email in Settings menu

I hope you found this helpful
