Merit of Tiny URLs


Power Member
Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
I've noticed a number of people, services, etc, making mention of using URL shortening services to create a link that acts as a sort of 301'd domain to your money site. You can build backlinks to the shortened URL and it passes through juice to your main money site, and can be disconnected (as long as it's an editable short link) if it is no longer wanted or needed.

So who uses this technique? Do a lot of you consider this common or standard practice, or do you use it more for particular circumstances? Does it carry any inherent risks that you've noticed?

Thanks all,
I've never used this technique but as I see it it's flawed. I may be wrong but I'm sure someone will be along to put me right.

OK, you take a shortening service that you can edit links and you use them to build a series of backlinks that you can edit at any time to point wherever you want but then you are stuck with all these redirects coming from the same site, Eg. etc etc...
If you are targeting multiple keywords this is surely bad for your site.

Is this not against all the rules of diversity ?

Am i missing the point ?
To me it sounded like - if you used only this technique - it would look extremely unnatural as far as link diversity goes. But if paired with an otherwise healthy link profile, might be a good way to point higher-power and higher-risk links at your site without committing too much to the risk.

There are times where this technique may be useful but it is only a part of your overall strategy and should not be relied on for the majority of linking that you are doing. The old standbys still work best.
However, the editable tiny url approach can be most useful as first line of defense in churn and burn.
I've heard that burn and churn website last longer with this technique, but i've only tried once with a video and i've fail ( I think i've not send enough links )
Tinyurls strategy works really well for low competition keywords. I am using it very successfully and some of the websites are ranking for more than a month now. If your competition is medium, your keywords can rank around 20s and 30s only with tinyurls, you can add some High PR or use expired 301 redirect to boost the ranking.

I am also using them for anchor text diversification and seeing some good results. I only use editable tinyurls so that I can change them whenever I need to.