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Merchant account for telemarketing offshore

Apr 24, 2014
Reaction score
I am the founder of OLA! Institute, an online language institute and I am looking for a credit card processor which can provide a virtual terminal for accepting payments for U.S customers. I am at Bogota, Colombia. We sell language programs as monthly supcriptions by phone. I am considering using paypal and payoneer but based on my previous experience a high percentage of sales will be lost because people tend to rethink and say no when placing the order by themselves. I found this forum in the search of a solution and I hope I can receive some advice.

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Whatever you do, when you do find a provider to work with, don't tell them that 'most people tend to rethink'... :p

Chargebacks are your biggest problem, and telesales/call center environments typically attract some of the highest charge back ratios in the processing industry, way up there with online pharma and gambling.

There is a guy floating around these forums, however, that does high risk processing, and I'm sure he'll see your post soon and contact you. Expect to pay alot - like, >8%, and have very long hold over periods with high retention.
do you homework when it comes to finding the right processor. tons of "high risk" merchant processors are garbage resellers who will TMF you at the first sign of trouble from the processing banks. I own a high volume call floor with relatively high chargeback ratios (~2-6%) and pay out the ass. Double digit rolling reserves with 5% processing fees. If you have a long history processing cards, that may help you get better rates. If not, expect to pay out of the ass with a hefty security deposit. Goodluck, card processing is a HUGE BALLACHE.
You can also use 2Checkout + Payoneer (they are partners). If your company is based offshore, you will have no problems (except if you do nasty things and run scams, but you seem like a honest person). :)
OP contact me. My skype id in my profile.
I can help you with merchant, we are not third party but direct provider.
First hold is 2 weeks than one week, at the third week you will get your fund in third week, at the fourth week you will get money for 2nd week and so on/