Mass Video Blaster - How to download videos??


Registered Member
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
I have very recently got myself MVB. Now I can't figure out how to download videos! The current version is 2.29. The tutorial videos still shows version 1 so it's outdated. In the Add Videos tab, I can't find any options to download videos!!

Can anyone please help? :)

Thanks in advance.
mass video downloader come separated after last updates , it's very easily to download !
Do I have to purchase it separately? And since videos are now downloaded separately, can I use tags to automatically add original description, keywords etc anymore?
Do I have to purchase it separately? And since videos are now downloaded separately, can I use tags to automatically add original description, keywords etc anymore?

no it's free you should got an email from MVB team if not contact support , about tags ... the answer yes
Hey guys,
If you can't find the Mass Video Downloader (the link is in our forums, or if you go to upload module, right click and click on Download Videos) please open a ticket at

Mass Video Downloader is free for all users of Mass Video Blaster. We simply split the download module in a separate software.
