Mass Myspace Mailing

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Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
I'm offering a mass Myspace Mailing service. I can send thousands of mails per day for very cheap rates. I can send mails to targeted traffic or untargeted at the same price (depending on whether you want views or sales). Below is my price list:

500 Mails - $12 (2.4c per mail)
5,000 Mails - $85 (1.7c per mail)
10,000 Mails - $140 (1.4c per mail)
50,000 Mails - $600 (1.2c per mail)
100,000 Mails - $1000 (1c per mail)

For orders larger than that, PM me. I can do up to 25,000 mails per day from as many accounts as it takes to not look suspicious of spamming so the service won't stop. Payment must be upfront due to the amount of people taking advantage of pay later services I used to do. Review copies may go up for offer if some people purchase without replying.

PM me for orders, enquires etc. Got any reviews or anything else, just post here and I will get back to you as soon as I am around.
are you sending them messages on MySpace or emails to the emails they registered with?
im interested in ur service
pm me and let me know how this works
Any targeting available or are they just random email addresses?
Yes, I can do targeted traffic if you wish so at no extra cost.

Also, the mails will be sent to their Myspace account.
I will do a 500 mail review for Parrot Head (For Asking) and one for anybody who is a Jr. VIP or higher.

Mail has been sent to you affigold aswell.
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i'll take you up on that review if its still up for grab!
I'm really interested in this since you took the time to answer my last post. Too bad I didn't get back in time for a chance at your review. I have an offer I want to send to bands, amateur if possible.

Are there still no reviews from ParrotHead or the Jr VIP that got the free one?
Sorry, the service was closed due to lack of interest and some people didn't respond.
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