Hi, not sure if this fits here but I’m having a bit of trouble selling products through marketplace on Facebook.
Biggest issue I have is when I get people messaging me querying about the item, they ask if it’s authentic.
I am transparent about the item and that its not real but a high quality replica. I list it for a reasonable price based off the fact it’s a replica but I swear people don’t take the hint. Either they’re too stupid and don’t realize or they think it’s too good to be true.
Example of this would be a Louis Vuitton Men’s Sling Bag that retails for around $4.5-5k new. I’ll list mine for $200-250 and state it’s new and still people ask if it’s authentic and when I say no, they just seen me and ghost. I don’t understand, why would a brand new bag that retails for that price be priced at such a low cost? My thinking is that because it looks legit and not bad quality, they assume it’s real, but really? Sometimes I think “should I just say yes since you’re being dumb” but that’s not who I am or my business model. It’s about having a replica business that is affordable and high quality. What could be a workaround to prevent this?
Biggest issue I have is when I get people messaging me querying about the item, they ask if it’s authentic.
I am transparent about the item and that its not real but a high quality replica. I list it for a reasonable price based off the fact it’s a replica but I swear people don’t take the hint. Either they’re too stupid and don’t realize or they think it’s too good to be true.
Example of this would be a Louis Vuitton Men’s Sling Bag that retails for around $4.5-5k new. I’ll list mine for $200-250 and state it’s new and still people ask if it’s authentic and when I say no, they just seen me and ghost. I don’t understand, why would a brand new bag that retails for that price be priced at such a low cost? My thinking is that because it looks legit and not bad quality, they assume it’s real, but really? Sometimes I think “should I just say yes since you’re being dumb” but that’s not who I am or my business model. It’s about having a replica business that is affordable and high quality. What could be a workaround to prevent this?