Marketplace Replica Selling


Oct 16, 2023
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Hi, not sure if this fits here but I’m having a bit of trouble selling products through marketplace on Facebook.

Biggest issue I have is when I get people messaging me querying about the item, they ask if it’s authentic.

I am transparent about the item and that its not real but a high quality replica. I list it for a reasonable price based off the fact it’s a replica but I swear people don’t take the hint. Either they’re too stupid and don’t realize or they think it’s too good to be true.

Example of this would be a Louis Vuitton Men’s Sling Bag that retails for around $4.5-5k new. I’ll list mine for $200-250 and state it’s new and still people ask if it’s authentic and when I say no, they just seen me and ghost. I don’t understand, why would a brand new bag that retails for that price be priced at such a low cost? My thinking is that because it looks legit and not bad quality, they assume it’s real, but really? Sometimes I think “should I just say yes since you’re being dumb” but that’s not who I am or my business model. It’s about having a replica business that is affordable and high quality. What could be a workaround to prevent this?
Hi, not sure if this fits here but I’m having a bit of trouble selling products through marketplace on Facebook.

Biggest issue I have is when I get people messaging me querying about the item, they ask if it’s authentic.

I am transparent about the item and that its not real but a high quality replica. I list it for a reasonable price based off the fact it’s a replica but I swear people don’t take the hint. Either they’re too stupid and don’t realize or they think it’s too good to be true.

Example of this would be a Louis Vuitton Men’s Sling Bag that retails for around $4.5-5k new. I’ll list mine for $200-250 and state it’s new and still people ask if it’s authentic and when I say no, they just seen me and ghost. I don’t understand, why would a brand new bag that retails for that price be priced at such a low cost? My thinking is that because it looks legit and not bad quality, they assume it’s real, but really? Sometimes I think “should I just say yes since you’re being dumb” but that’s not who I am or my business model. It’s about having a replica business that is affordable and high quality. What could be a workaround to prevent this?
I totally understand your concern! To avoid any confusion, I'd suggest making it crystal clear in the product title and description that it's a high-quality replica. Additionally, consider adding a disclaimer or notice stating that the item is not authentic. When responding to customer inquiries, set clear expectations from the start and be prepared for some customers who may not understand. Remember, transparency is key in building trust with your customers.
I totally understand your concern! To avoid any confusion, I'd suggest making it crystal clear in the product title and description that it's a high-quality replica. Additionally, consider adding a disclaimer or notice stating that the item is not authentic. When responding to customer inquiries, set clear expectations from the start and be prepared for some customers who may not understand. Remember, transparency is key in building trust with your customers.
Yeah I’ve done all those things but still get stupid replies. I truly believe that because the products I have are high quality and not cheap stuff you’d find at a local market, it can be passed off as real and a non fashion person wouldn’t be able to tell. However, I’m not into scamming and always am transparent with them but then it’s like they don’t like that it’s not authentic and just disappear… But the crazy part about that is, they first thought it was real until I told them and now are disinterested but they’re never ever going to find that authentic item for the price I sell it for lol. If they think they will find a genuine LV bag for $200 brand new, they’re crazy. I would have thought that based of how good it looks and even fooled them that they’d like/want it without having to pay the high price tag because that’s my business model. I focus on quality rather than quantity as the competition I have are selling low tier batches which to my eyes I can spot a mile away. In other words, my business model is essentially ‘Get the product you want without having to pay the high price tag and not worry about it falling apart, being cheap or called out.’ but I guess others don’t share or understand that. I thought maybe its better I create a Facebook Group where people will only join if interested. What are your thoughts?
Hi, not sure if this fits here but I’m having a bit of trouble selling products through marketplace on Facebook.

Biggest issue I have is when I get people messaging me querying about the item, they ask if it’s authentic.

I am transparent about the item and that its not real but a high quality replica. I list it for a reasonable price based off the fact it’s a replica but I swear people don’t take the hint. Either they’re too stupid and don’t realize or they think it’s too good to be true.

Example of this would be a Louis Vuitton Men’s Sling Bag that retails for around $4.5-5k new. I’ll list mine for $200-250 and state it’s new and still people ask if it’s authentic and when I say no, they just seen me and ghost. I don’t understand, why would a brand new bag that retails for that price be priced at such a low cost? My thinking is that because it looks legit and not bad quality, they assume it’s real, but really? Sometimes I think “should I just say yes since you’re being dumb” but that’s not who I am or my business model. It’s about having a replica business that is affordable and high quality. What could be a workaround to prevent this?
You should clearly write down information about your product, to avoid misunderstandings or unnecessary clicks from genuine product seekers, they are attracted to your price haha, so clearly write down the product description information.
Your case is not uncommon, and many sellers encounter this situation. The issue does not lie with you but rather with customers who do not take the time to read the information carefully and prefer to ask quickly. I think you should learn to ignore it and view it as a customer communication experience.
Hi, not sure if this fits here but I’m having a bit of trouble selling products through marketplace on Facebook.

Biggest issue I have is when I get people messaging me querying about the item, they ask if it’s authentic.

I am transparent about the item and that its not real but a high quality replica. I list it for a reasonable price based off the fact it’s a replica but I swear people don’t take the hint. Either they’re too stupid and don’t realize or they think it’s too good to be true.

Example of this would be a Louis Vuitton Men’s Sling Bag that retails for around $4.5-5k new. I’ll list mine for $200-250 and state it’s new and still people ask if it’s authentic and when I say no, they just seen me and ghost. I don’t understand, why would a brand new bag that retails for that price be priced at such a low cost? My thinking is that because it looks legit and not bad quality, they assume it’s real, but really? Sometimes I think “should I just say yes since you’re being dumb” but that’s not who I am or my business model. It’s about having a replica business that is affordable and high quality. What could be a workaround to prevent this?
Low quality customers often think they are getting a discount. You will face this often.
You need to describe the product clearly right from the title. When answering customer questions, set expectations from the beginning to build trust. that is the key to success
There are many people who still sell fake goods, but buyers know that they are not genuine and still buy them. The important thing is how you affirm your products. The designs are all the same, how can you distinguish between fake 1 or fake n?
Hi, not sure if this fits here but I’m having a bit of trouble selling products through marketplace on Facebook.

Biggest issue I have is when I get people messaging me querying about the item, they ask if it’s authentic.

I am transparent about the item and that its not real but a high quality replica. I list it for a reasonable price based off the fact it’s a replica but I swear people don’t take the hint. Either they’re too stupid and don’t realize or they think it’s too good to be true.

Example of this would be a Louis Vuitton Men’s Sling Bag that retails for around $4.5-5k new. I’ll list mine for $200-250 and state it’s new and still people ask if it’s authentic and when I say no, they just seen me and ghost. I don’t understand, why would a brand new bag that retails for that price be priced at such a low cost? My thinking is that because it looks legit and not bad quality, they assume it’s real, but really? Sometimes I think “should I just say yes since you’re being dumb” but that’s not who I am or my business model. It’s about having a replica business that is affordable and high quality. What could be a workaround to prevent this?
fake and genuine products are not a problem, because the number of customers is very large and many customers will choose to use fake products. What you need to do with FACEBOOK advertising is to reach the right target (buyers of fake products):
- edit your title about fake products > compare quality > price > completion rate > problems when using
- is the product safe enough > product durability
- finally, the image must be attractive and beautiful > add good reviews below the comment to stimulate your customers
You need to describe the product clearly right from the title so that buyers do not buy a fake product. What matters is how you claim your product.
I wonder if adding a small "replica 1:1" at the bottom somewhere might help.
if you give proper title and description so people can understand easily every thing