Market Samurai complete uninstall


Registered Member
Oct 18, 2009
Reaction score
sorry i posted this in the wrong thread earlier this afternoon.

Vista 64

How can i do a complete uninstall of Market Samurai? I installed it onto a thumb drive and ran it from that thinking after the trial is over i can just format the drive then go again. Well it does not work like that. There has to be a file stored on the computer somewhere. I deleted all cookies and wipped out the thumb drive. I am not going to reformat my computer. I find another program to use before that.

How much are people paying for it? Any way to get it lower than the 150 they want for it?
Virtual machine/Sandbox


When you install. Monitor what your registry is up to, then you know which ones you can remove.
yeah i have to go ahead and buy it i must have uninstalled it 5 times and ran 6 different registry cleaners about 2 times each and the files are still there. Dam thing never gets out of your system. I even used 3 total uninstall programs nothing gets rid of it lol Good thing i have 4 more computers i can try it on but not worth the hassle if is is only 100 bucks
Srb888 - thanks -- Revo seems to have deep cleaning functions. Hope its doesnt infect the system though !@! :smoker:
Don't worry! I'm using it since great granpa Adam used it first! :D
Revo Uninstaller is great. I'm using it for over a year now, and frequently install/uninstall programs, and it never messed anything up.

I love it because when you use it you realize that every program leaves so much crab on your computer after you uninstall it with the regular Windows 'add/remove programs tool'.
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Another idea is use virtual machines. I am using Microsoft Virtual PC. After the trial is up I will delete the virtual, create a new one, and reinstall.
01. Buy a new internal hard drive. Buy an external hard drive.

02. Install Windows 2008 Server as primary OS. Download from Microsoft

03. Install VMWare Server. Free from VMWare.

04. Install another Windows 2008 INSIDE of VMWare Server. This creates a virtual machine.

05. Copy that Virtual Machine a few times for spares.

06. Run ALL questionable software in a VM. If its gets corrupted, throw it away and use a spare.

07. Extend the server registration up to 6 months (free) then rebuild your system.

08. Keep everything important on the external hard drive that you hide when you leave your home. You can use it to rebuild your system.

You should rebuild every 6 months to play it safe. This will force you to do so.

that revo worked a treat, thanks for that tip!