Many crypto currencies for exchange and investment


Banned - Selling via PM
Aug 25, 2014
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I am looking for a portal or stock exchange where I can buy large quantities of crypto, invest in them and buy / sell in real time.
Ideally buy crypto via credit card and exchange between crypto.
I recommend to use coinbase pro instead of coinbase. The fees are better
All top exchanges and platforms work with less fees. However some of them tend to fluctuate performance wise.. So, a lil research is worth the time.
I recommend KuCoin since they don't force KYC on people. KYC destroys the crypto market!
I am looking for a portal or stock exchange where I can buy large quantities of crypto, invest in them and buy / sell in real time.
Ideally buy crypto via credit card and exchange between crypto.
I am looking for a portal or stock exchange where I can buy large quantities of crypto, invest in them and buy / sell in real time.
Ideally buy crypto via credit card and exchange between crypto.
Binance is the one what you need for all your Need
I am looking for a portal or stock exchange where I can buy large quantities of crypto, invest in them and buy / sell in real time.
Ideally buy crypto via credit card and exchange between crypto.
you can use Binance and Huobi for All Real time Trading and Exchange Facilities
I am looking for a portal or stock exchange where I can buy large quantities of crypto, invest in them and buy / sell in real time.
Ideally buy crypto via credit card and exchange between crypto.
Coinbase Pro is my list for all Real-Time Buy and Sell Crypto & Most importantly reputed and older
If in india would recommend coin DCX, Wazirx or coinswitch Kuber.

Worldwide Binance