yes I'm actually doing it , sites has very good content people sharing them on FB, social media, ext. one of the blog on this "thin" or "shit" penalised content is this : and if this is not acceptable then how could we do blogs and sites?
You have 15 posts in 2014. If you have lower content, and lots of links, then eventually Google may manually review your site.
Have you ever tried out one of the surf for money, or links, types of sites? There is a toolbar or something similar and you advance from page to page... well, my brother's best friend since we were in middle school works for Google. He explained it to me like this, the system flags sites and they come up in the screen of the quality controllers. Then they make a decision, and that marks it as a manual review.
So, what happened to you is some twit had your site pop up in a screen and they marked it as thin content. I looked at the site and it looks thin to me. Mostly pics, and wiki stuff. It's crap content, let's be honest here. You threw it together.
My advice is to keep your yap shut, and do some damage control before you ask for re-evaluation etc. Then approach it with HUMILITY... for a few hundred bucks you can get dozens of articles to spread around. Make them wordy and cut back on the pics. I get it, you want mobile phone content, but you went too sparse. Only after you add content should ask for a review.
Those guys at Google hate you. They hate me. They hate everyone. They suck! They get bonuses for catching asshats, so if you want to be an asshat, then you have to be a sneaky and humble Black-Hatter... do the damage control, then tell them they were probably right, and that you were just trying to make it nice to read on mobile phones, and you want to contribute meaningful content to the web, and you believe they are the ones who righty decide what is best ... yada yada... give them a reach-around so they will roll over and say it was good enough....
Now remove your URL you stupid asshat, because Google is here, on these forums, and you are asking to be put on the shit-list.