Manual action by big G and some few ideas what to do next.


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2013
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Recently my site got hit by google and i clearly didn't know what to do and i was confused for a day or two. But since it was making me huge load of $ i clearly want to jump in that niche again.
I know that 301 manually penalized site to a new site is a BIG NO NO, so i come up with some ideas.
What do you guys think about 301 the penalized site to a high PR tumblr blog and then 301 the tumblr blog to a new site?
Will that keep me alive for a while?
Has anyone tested that?
Is it stupid idea or? What are your thoughts on this? Take care guys :)
What manual penalty did you get? What was the message?
try to solve the issues that G has with your site and see if it helps you, but it will take a lot of time
No, I mean what was the actual message it said in Webmaster Tools? Thats the only way you know that you were manually slapped and what it actually is.
was it a 301 done by you that caused the dip or was it case of negative seo?
No, as i said i was using SAPE + some moron spam the shit out of my i don't know what cause it, BUT i want to redirect it to tumblr blog and then redirect the tumblr blog to new website...btw my penalized site has HUGE authority and i hope that this redirect method will help. Of course i don't want to redirect it to new moneysite directly because of obvious reasons.
Let me guess you were using Chrome, with a Gmail + Webmaster Tools account, your real social security number and credit card.

And when you bought SAPE you noticed that SAPE uses Google Analytics and you were accidentally logged into your Webmaster Tools account while buying links at SAPE.

The SAPE url had your url in the address bar, which telephoned your current link purchase AND website URL back to Google for Matt Cutts' delight.

Congrats mate, you are the 99%.
Let me guess you were using Chrome, with a Gmail + Webmaster Tools account, your real social security number and credit card.

And when you bought SAPE you noticed that SAPE uses Google Analytics and you were accidentally logged into your Webmaster Tools account while buying links at SAPE.

The SAPE url had your url in the address bar, which telephoned your current link purchase AND website URL back to Google for Matt Cutts' delight.

Congrats mate, you are the 99%.

Google doesn't track you with gmal, google analytics, or any information you save into chrome.

If that was the case my ass would have been grass 12+ months ago.
Let me guess you were using Chrome, with a Gmail + Webmaster Tools account, your real social security number and credit card.

And when you bought SAPE you noticed that SAPE uses Google Analytics and you were accidentally logged into your Webmaster Tools account while buying links at SAPE.

The SAPE url had your url in the address bar, which telephoned your current link purchase AND website URL back to Google for Matt Cutts' delight.

Congrats mate, you are the 99%.
I really hope u are not serious. BTW i rarely use chrome, and i don't remember when was the last time i log in to webmaster tools or gmail.
Hmmm i think they do...actually i think they do WAY MORE than that.

My weekly emails into my gmail account says otherwise. Google even translates it for me.

I also been using every popular google service for 12+ months across many websites.

Google doesn't give a shit.
My weekly emails into my gmail account says otherwise. Google even translates it for me.

I also been using every popular google service for 12+ months across many websites.

Google doesn't give a shit.
Well, im aware that sometimes penalties are totally random, I also accept what has happened to me, however my question was totally different from what we are discussing now, take care bro :)
Id say dispute it in your dashboard and come up with some BS story to have them manually review and hopefully overturn it... I've had it before for a hacked site and got out of it fine.

Good luck man
Id say dispute it in your dashboard and come up with some BS story to have them manually review and hopefully overturn it... I've had it before for a hacked site and got out of it fine.

Good luck man
hmmm tnx, will try that :)
What do you guys think about 301 the penalized site to a high PR tumblr blog and then 301 the tumblr blog to a new site?

Is it possible to 301 a Tumblr blog to a website?
Actually, i just found this: " Also, since this isn't a server-side 301 redirect this isn't going to transfer Google juice (for SEO)"
Im so fucked!