Man , I love iPhone 4


Regular Member
Sep 19, 2009
Reaction score
I've off for around a week, because I got my new iphone 4.
I live in Canada and it took me a good month to finally get my hands on the iphone 4.

I cancelled my contract with Telus cuz tey are so gay.
I'm with rogers and I am perfectly happy although I couldnt get the call display for free ( not going to pay $10 for call display ...fuck )

anyways, here are the some pics.


almost exactly what I did until i got my own.

lol funny vid
Hello, Hello. Can you hear me. Are you there? Can you hear me now? That was just me on my new :)
I don't know how Apple does it, but people buy their crap like crazy! I got an Ipod Touch out of all the hype to check it out and it aint as amazing as people are claiming it to be. Android let you do so much more, I don't get people sometimes.
and, more people have bought android phones the first quarter of this year than iphone's.
Girls with iPhones are easy ;)
I'll probably get one too in a month or so since the home button broke on my 3g.
iPhone 4 is awesome. Love the options on it. Just make sure you have a case covering the antenna :p
Lol, I have an EVO and it's awesome. But I have respect for the iPhone 4 too.

Hey, let's just all live in harmony, k?
I don't know how Apple does it, but people buy their crap like crazy! I got an Ipod Touch out of all the hype to check it out and it aint as amazing as people are claiming it to be. Android let you do so much more, I don't get people sometimes.
its a status thing. Well it was when the first version came out.. I had to spend 350 on a jailbreak one to use with my carrier. Since then i got bored with it.
I bought the phone on release date, and I love it. Especially the retina-display, omg...
nice OP.

its a status thing.

Kinda like that barefoot running..

watch me with my iphone, barefoot running, drinking my bottled water... i take a dump on a golden toilet later too to get rid of all that horse meat i had - didn't hear? it's in!
I'm thinking of creating my own brand and making it do a little bit less than what an Android can do, I'm going to create amazing shops and stylish designs, I'm going to offer shit support ... and I'm even going to create my own Operating System...

It should be out in the shops this time next year. I'm going to call it the Banana ePhone. ;)
Apples iphone4 is the Microsofts windows of this era. business platforms were built on windows in the 90's and now apple has dominated the social/mobile era...regardless of options its aesthetic appeal, ease of use, and universal adaptability makes it king.....fucktherest.....just got mine 4 hours ago - yeeee! having so much fun with it!