Man Crashes $380k Lambo Hours After Winning It In Contest


Supreme Member
Aug 28, 2010
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File this one under the "That Sucks" file...

But, like I always say...It is better to have driven a Lambo and wrecked it than to have never driven one at all...LOL

SANTAQUIN, Utah -- A Utah man who won a $380,000 Lamborghini in a convenience store chain's contest crashed the sports car six hours after he got it.
The lime green Murcielago Roadster was set to leave for a Las Vegas body shop Wednesday for repairs, just days after Santaquin resident David Dopp won it in Maverik stores' "Joe Schmo to Lambo" contest.
"Yeah, I got it on Saturday and I wrecked it on Saturday," Dopp told KSL-TV.
He said he was taking friends and family on joy rides that evening on the outskirts of town. He said he took a curve at 40 or 50 mph when the vehicle hit ice or loose gravel and started spinning.
The car crashed through some fence posts before coming to rest in a field.
Dopp wasn't injured, but his wife said she was shocked.
"My heart pretty much fell out," Annette Dopp told KSL. "They said they were OK. Then (came), you know, that feeling when your heart drops and you're like, 'Oh, my gosh. What do we do now?'"
The 640-horsepower Lamborghini has front-end damage, a punctured wheel and scratches along the passenger side. The vehicle is insured.
David Dopp was videotaped last month jumping up and down and hollering in speechless disbelief when contest officials announced during a college football game that he won the car.
The giveaway, which awarded participants for using a rewards card at Maverik stores, was co-sponsored by nonprofit organization "teamgive," which raises awareness about rare neurological diseases.
David Dopp said it was strange seeing the flashy, exotic car in his humble driveway. He told ABC 4 in Salt Lake City that he plans to sell the vehicle to pay off bills and buy his wife another car -- as soon as the Lamborghini's drivable again.
"It's going to be all nice and pretty here in a couple of months, I'm sure," David Dopp said.



Whyyyy oooohhhh whhyyyy :faint2::bawling::bawling::bawling: the bbeeaaauuttiiffuull lamboo :bawling:
Insurance company has like 50 people looking over the claim and the contract to try to wiggle its way out of paying for the damage.
Thats a 640 :D

That beast is proper quick maaaaan!
For that car, I would certainly be willing to pay the money and get it repaired.
A douchebag and his lambo will soon part :rolleyes:

Too bad he didn't total it. Then it will really be a cool story.
He has 6 kids and he did not take the money instead? What a Dope!
What A MORON lol I would have sold it for the $300,000 and paid off my house which cost 200,000, that would leave 100,000 for IM and offline ventures, and some for saving :D IH YEAH
File this one under the "That Sucks" file...

But, like I always say...It is better to have driven a Lambo and wrecked it than to have never driven one at all...LOL
"The Cool Part of Vegas" sometimes is not that cool :), especially when you post something which has been already posted

pay attention: your today's news can be yesterday for others :p
...and the plot thickens!
