Making money with this website?


Regular Member
Dec 30, 2007
Reaction score
Well.. I have this website:

I worked really hard on it.. but now I just left it there... basically this was supposed to contain categories / countries and businesses will be able to advertise on it (paid).. sort of like a business directory... but I never got around it, and I'm not much of a sales man..

So.. I was thinking about CPA or CPL... what do you think? Do you have any good ones?

Or maybe a better idea than CPA?

not regarding the monetizing but still some help:

nobody likes websites that look like its 1998. make it proper looking, then worry about monetization. :)
yep. first things first: completely redesign the site to make it look like 2008. maybe an automated business directory would be fine. even though i don't know any cpa programs for a niche like that. maybe you'll fine one.

of you build a "real" site based on long tail searches maybe adsense is a good source for income.
Yeah I know about the template.. I really need to throw that crap away..