Here are some other options for article scripts:
Now, the backend i.e. the script is fairly important, I would think, especially from the perspective of security, SEO-friendliness, ease of use, and versatility in regard to features and functions etc.
However, I would love to hear what you folks think about setting one up and being able to profit from one of these article directories.
We all know the popularity and perhaps "notoriety" of
because all the gurus and even ebooks tout this website whenever article marketing is talked about.
i think the 3 main areas that need to be addressed are:
1) Populating and filling your article directory - Sure, you can buy the script but it is not a case of "build it and they will come". You'd need some critical mass of articles and authors (or appear to have these) in order to appear attractive to more authors and web marketers, I thought?
Questions for consideration and for discussion:
a) Where and how to populate your article website with articles and authors ?
b) Would the same concerns apply for duplicate content?
Now, some of us at one time or other may have submitted more than 1 copy of the exact same article to 10 or more article directories. I wonder why the duplicate content penalties don't apply to these high PR article directories. I mean if I had an exact article on 2 of my websites (even on different C-class IPs) big brother g00gle might not like that?
c) Similar to a forum, to maintain the quality of one's article directory, there needs to be a good editor review and article approval process. These in themselves can be a full time job and I wonder how successful article directory owners manage to pull this off?
2) Marketing the article directory or positioning the directory as:
a) a platform to share knowledge - less important from a marketer's perspective, I figure?
b) a platform to get backlinks - this works better only if your page rank is decent, maybe?
c) a platform for publicity for your website or affiliate link or whereever your article aims to drive traffic to.
d) a platform that can potentially enable you to become a guru and/or authority figure in your niche.
3) The actual marketing of the article directory site after (1) and (2) from above have been solved?
I figure that conventional internet marketing techniques like backlink building, banner advertising, using web2.0 etc. might work pretty good, maybe?
a) If you folks have tried and tested ideas for marketing an article directory, please do share.
b) If you folks have ideas on marketing an article directory (from an owner and operator's perspective), please do share
(X) Blackhat bent? toward operating an article directory:
i) Could an article directory be used as a platform for cooking stuffing? (Or article directories are already doing this and I was too naive to know about this or that CS-ing had been going on?)
ii) What might be some of the blackhat methods you know of, or think will work, or would want to try out in article directories? (okay, "blackhat" here is used to mean "unconventional", "creative" but
NOT illegal or fraudulent, please).
I've just posted some thoughts of mine and might be ranting a little. I don't have any experience with an article directory or the marketing of this type of website.
Please share your thoughts, ideas, and experience, particularly if you are an owner or operator of an article directory, okay?
Thanks y'all.
Merry Christmas and Cheerio
:flame: :flame: :flame: