Making $$$ How?


Regular Member
Apr 16, 2012
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So I've started up a few websites, learn some basic SEO and Ranking on page 1 for a few keywords.

What's the best way to make $$ from sites.

Add Words?

How do IM's make there moneysssss$$$$$ :)
Adwords is for advertising your website using Google, not earning money off of it.

You probably mean Adsense. Make an account, get the Adsense ad code, paste it where ever you want it on your website. Earn $$$.
You can also try being an affiliate with offers that are related to your website's topic/niche.
Try clickbank, or CPA networks like MaxBounty.
You don't have to choose just one, but be sure to spend time working out ways to place the ads in interesting or innovative places. If you throw adsense ads on a widget people will have ad blindness to it.
like effin has said you dont have to choose just one, just make sure it doesnt look like your site is solely for making money it needs to look like its useful to the visitors. Another good thing is before you actually create a website its good to consider what ways you can make money from it so you know how much you could get back and if its actually worth the time.