Make Money Via DP- Simple Guide-Need some Luck as well


Elite Member
Mar 30, 2009
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Hey everyone!

I bumped upon this idea after accidently cashing out $20 this morning. I haven't tried or exploited this method, but fortunately it helped me cash out on my very first attempt.

Honestly speaking, this might work or may not work for you. But is it worth trying?

Hmmm... I leave that decision to you.

Here how's I made it.

One of the users on DP asked me to review his ebook. I posted a fake review claiming that the ebook was great. Easy to make money..blah blah..bhal..( the usual promotional stuff)

This is a what usually happens on DP.( DP members on this forum may already know) Once you review an ebook, you will start receiving emails from other DP users who will either request for a barter or half rate.

I got this guy who was offering $20.(the original cost around $50) I didn't have the ebook as the review posted was fake, but I knew money was kissing my doorsteps. I download some ebooks from Download section of this forum and offered him 3 similar ebooks for $20. He readily agreed. This is how I hugged the $20 coming my way.

There are many twists you can add to this story. Those offering barter, check their posts and if he is a content writer ask him to write a few articles for you. If he is good at link building, exploit that service from him..
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DP is a total and utter scam. Everyone is doing this. everytime i review a product i receive countless trade offers by PM. Documents folder is bulging now. Unfortuneatly the only IM methods that make me money are ones that I have developed myself.

maybe that sez something
Well if its that easy I guess i'll head over to DP and scam them all. Has DP gotten any worse lately about this stuff?
Yup this works... I once bought some stuff there already with discount for only about $5 and made in the next following days back about $30+ ( not much but still it's $ for nothing! )
IMO, the BST section of DP is DEAD.

before i would see billions of posts of various ebooks and what not.

now, you barely get 1-2 posts a day. i dont see much activity since i saw a drop in sales in that particular section.
Yeah, with their new anti-bump policy it makes it nearly impossible to make bank from the BST section. You can still pull in some sales if you're outsourcing posting with sigs, but then you just end up having your products shared all over the net.