Make Money By Reffer Peoples I get Regular Income From 2 Month Want 2 Share Here 100% work

Nov 9, 2008
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Make Money By Reffer Peoples I get Regular Income From 2 Month Want 2 Share Here 100% work for me i get a free hosting from them also get a good 50$ + per week just spend 4$ one time in it and got free cpanel web hosting as well is nt it gr8 here is my link pls join its really true u also make money and i also from referrer thanks in advance

here is my link u can use it to join
Yeah, good luck with that buddy. Let the flaming begin...
thats some BS. first i dont think you're allowed to put your aff-link in there. and second and much worse. thats just some pyramid scheme. LAME!
yup. no aff links here. and your program looks too good to be true, so it must be a scam

i might aswell say buh bye in advance

at least make it sound realistic....
I said the same thing to him in his last thread and a few certain people called me out for "attacking" him.

I know a scum bag when I see one.
huh good its noy my site and i think as long as i got money its not a scam in my eyes and i dont know but here why the fucki**g peoples think they are far supirior then others the stupid's things really novice to new comers so let me tell you may be i m wrong to put link here i should put into it affiliate link section but i m not a new bie that ur thinking with scam i am 1000% legit and looking good opportunities :)

and if i get life log cpanel hosting in 4$ then what the fuc* wrong with that i dont care of ban but just want a 10 inch long dic* in all those members who thinks all the newbie dumbass and scammer and think they are super duper something imfact u all i dont think even make 100$ per week so best of luck u guys :)
*cough*Reported*cough* I suggest reading the rules before being so stupid.
id like to get a screenshot of your income, and maybe id click that link you got going for ya there bud
well well well, please read the rules first, my friend newbie.

*horror music started slowly*

hmm, this is an interesting concept, the piramid scheme. But for the first one to make the full money, almost 1% of the world population got to get in. And people just don't get in easily.
god this dude needs to learn proper english.....

you are crazy if you think anyones gonna use u aff link, noone knows you.

We will only refer someone if we respect them, you i do not.
peace, banned.
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haha... Dude... Wow....
Get drunk, go to meijer to get coors, go to jail, then get out of sentencing and I'll join!!!


This forum rocks!! I love you guys!!! Kinda!! LOL
Oh my god.. I started reading his post and my head nearly exploded =|

Who's bringing these guys here? I checked the site and this must be the worst pyramid scheme I've seen so far, but yet they keep finding newbies to scam, damn, where do the people that still fall for these stuff hide? I want some to give them CPA offers to complete for $.1s :rolleyes:
ban did not even bother to put his affiliate link in his signature area.... what a LAZY BUM...