Made it to the 1 TB club of mobile data used

Capo Dei Capi

Oct 23, 2014
Reaction score
I finally made it to the 1TB club of mobile data used with Sprint, something I thought only those with grandfathered verizon plans were able to do. I'm actually close to also reaching the 1 TiB(1.0995 TB) club as well, which I will have in a few hours.

I use my phone as my internet service after i purchased easy tether for $10. If I had a wired connection, I probably wouldn't have even reached 2 GB of data on my phone.
Is that supposed to be an exclusive thing?

I also use a 4G mobile broadband connection (for the most part) although not on a mobile device, but on a notebook via the wifi hotspot of my tablet.

I use 1 TB of data per month just like you, when i run my bots.

It might be considered huge traffic for everyday (non-IM) mobile users, but if they consume a lot of HD content, it's not that impossible to reach.
With my connection i can download and upload ~10-11 GB/hr combined, so let's say i can consume 250 GB of data per day. 4 days and the 1 TB is already reached.

Although it's a metered connection, if i reach a combined 130 GB per month (30 GB from 8 am to 11 pm + 100 GB from 11 pm to 8 am), they restrict it, but only video streaming and torrent traffic, the rest will stay unmetered and when it's restricted, video streaming can be "unlocked" with a webproxy or VPN. :)

How much is your data plan cost?
I pay a whopping $19/month for mine.
Is that supposed to be an exclusive thing?

I also use a 4G mobile broadband connection (for the most part) although not on a mobile device, but on a notebook via the wifi hotspot of my tablet.

I use 1 TB of data per month just like you, when i run my bots.

It might be considered huge traffic for everyday (non-IM) mobile users, but if they consume a lot of HD content, it's not that impossible to reach.
With my connection i can download and upload ~10-11 GB/hr combined, so let's say i can consume 250 GB of data per day. 4 days and the 1 TB is already reached.

Although it's a metered connection, if i reach a combined 130 GB per month (30 GB from 8 am to 11 pm + 100 GB from 11 pm to 8 am), they restrict it, but only video streaming and torrent traffic, the rest will stay unmetered and when it's restricted, video streaming can be "unlocked" with a webproxy or VPN. :)

How much is your data plan cost?
I pay a whopping $19/month for mine.

My line(phone) is part of a family plan, so its $45 for unlimited talk,text and data. My restrictions appear to be when I'm on a congested tower(after 23GB) and on FTP on pc after a while. I think I could bypass the ftp restriction on a pc by uploading via an android instance running in virtualbox/vmware. My phone can do it, but it drains the battery fast, and it makes the phone really hot and prone to crashing after a while.

I can't use my line for an IM purpose such as running bots because currently with my provider(Sprint) voice and data can't work at the same time. When I get a phone call it disconnects the data connection. I think I can use an app to prevent calls from getting through, but that would defeat the purpose of having a phone. A Second line would also be worthless to get because between the cost of the line, and the cost of the phone it would be better to just get a more stable and much faster wired connection.
When I moved in to my house it took 6 weeks to get physical internet connection installed so I worked exclusively off mobile phone tether for that time. I think I was using only 1GB / day - But I had to be conservative because I had a limit to the data that phone provider would offer. So in my opinion 1TB is quite a lot of mobile data :-) But I guess it really depends what you are doing, like @HoNeYBiRD said if you are using tools or torrents or anything that requires a lot of bandwidth then I guess 1TB is not much.
My line(phone) is part of a family plan, so its $45 for unlimited talk,text and data. My restrictions appear to be when I'm on a congested tower(after 23GB) and on FTP on pc after a while. I think I could bypass the ftp restriction on a pc by uploading via an android instance running in virtualbox/vmware. My phone can do it, but it drains the battery fast, and it makes the phone really hot and prone to crashing after a while.

I can't use my line for an IM purpose such as running bots because currently with my provider(Sprint) voice and data can't work at the same time. When I get a phone call it disconnects the data connection. I think I can use an app to prevent calls from getting through, but that would defeat the purpose of having a phone. A Second line would also be worthless to get because between the cost of the line, and the cost of the phone it would be better to just get a more stable and much faster wired connection.
That reminds me the good ol' ISDN era, although i didn't have an internet connection that time, but i remember stories, that when you were using the phone line, you weren't able to use the internet, just like you described it. I wasn't aware that this thing still exists. I just read a story about a support call to an ISDN service, where the user was complaining that her internet goes down from time to time and it is always down when she calls the support. No wonder, while she was using the phone, she wasn't able to connect to the internet. :D

Can't you bypass the FTP limit with a VPN? When i reach my 130 GB/month data allowance, the only thing i can't bypass is the torrent traffic restriction. I can still watch Youtube using a webproxy or a VPN and the rest stays pretty much unrestricted.
That reminds me the good ol' ISDN era, although i didn't have an internet connection that time, but i remember stories, that when you were using the phone line, you weren't able to use the internet, just like you described it. I wasn't aware that this thing still exists. I just read a story about a support call to an ISDN service, where the user was complaining that her internet goes down from time to time and it is always down when she calls the support. No wonder, while she was using the phone, she wasn't able to connect to the internet. :D

Can't you bypass the FTP limit with a VPN? When i reach my 130 GB/month data allowance, the only thing i can't bypass is the torrent traffic restriction. I can still watch Youtube using a webproxy or a VPN and the rest stays pretty much unrestricted.

I can use a vpn to bypass the pc(at least windows) limit, but it drops down to 0.25 to 0.35 MB/s from 0.6MB/s - 1.6MB/s. I'm going to test out android in virtualbox soon to see if I can do it at full speed for as long as I can do on my phone.
I found that by switching from turbo ftp to cafeftp, I am able to upload without my phone overheating and losing battery charge while connected to PC. Setting up android in virtualbox is way too difficult, guest additions is not supported for it.
it's impossible in my country to reach even 1tb in my country .. Because they have data capping of 800mb per day