Love Cheat Caught Naked On Cam


Regular Member
May 4, 2008
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A naked man who climbed out of a window and hid on the ledge to escape his lover's furious husband has been caught on camera in the Chinese city of Chengdu.

The lover Sun Meng has been given the cold shoulder by his community after picture of him cowering naked outside the flat were posted on the internet.

The terrified 25-year-old fled from the balcony window when he was caught in bed with the man's wife at the married couple's flat in Chengdu, central China.

Photographs of the anrgy showdown, taken by a startled neighbour, were uploaded on a local community website.

They show Sun Meng perched on the first floor ledge while his lover is confronted by her un-named husband inside.

"My family is ashamed and none of my own neighbours will talk to me any more," said Sun.

"I know what I did was wrong but I was afraid he would kill me. People are even laughing at how I look naked - but I have to point out it was a very cold day," he added.
We definitely DO NOT need to see those photos..

Now if it was a chick outside in the cold.... maybe.
lmfao :pound: that had to be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to this guy. im pretty sure he wants to jump off a building now.
He is Asian, he doesn't have to use excuses for cold weather. We all understand.

PS. That was cold of me.

Really, there isn't much to see. Like he said it was cold that day.

Hmmm... It's lucky that someone in China just happened to have a camera handy. :D
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"My family is ashamed and none of my own neighbours will talk to me any more,"

Ah the difference in culture, one side of the world your family is ashamed of you for this, and the other side of the world your buddies buy you beer.
Hahah poor guy whoever posted that was pretty evil. LoL.