Looking for Youtube promoter


Regular Member
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Looking for someone to promote my youtube channel. I need to see it grow subs and views. Its a legit channel that puts out monthly high quality unique content (a bit Epic Rap Battle-ish). It has a following of 400,000 subs right now and gets about 4 million views a month.

Can you help it grow? I dont care how but don't get it banned lol

Let me know your price!
Why would you go Blackhat on a channel like that? Considering the stats of your channel, the only thing you need to do to grow your channel is to keep up putting high quality videos. Focus on uploading more videos and making them better everytime. That's the only thing you need to do to grow your channel.
A channel with that many subs could easily get promoted by other youtubers (if you promote their channels back). That's the legit way of growing faster, just message 100 big youtubers and you will find someone willing to help.
Anyway, your call.
Listen me . If those views is already on 4 million don't do anything to boost it. You can just ruin it to ground.
400,000 subs right now and gets about 4 million views a month
Do not touch it, it`s already viral so will be a big misstake to get penalty coused by some bad service.