Looking for recommendations of good audio books / videos about influencing people


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Apr 25, 2011
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One of my new years resolutions is to be more assertive, improve when it comes to influencing other people etc and I just wondered if anyone has any recommendations relating to this subject - preferably audio books or videos but actual books also are fine.

I have read this book which was very interesting:

And also am listening to Straight line persuasion for the second time which is really inspiring.

Really looking for other books about how to influence people OR books about great influencers.
there's no way way you can influence other people!
the only thing you can do is to feel good about your self and about others!
what others think about you is non of your business! that's what I think ~!
The problem I have with those approaches is that it's dependent on you successfully influencing other people, which despite the bluster of those books is by no means as easy or as predictable as they claim. You only need be in control of yourself, and you'd be better off spending your energies on that, more than trying to change people around you.

Is this for your day-day life or for business sales pitches? If the former then I'm with HoneyHelper on this.
I'm not trying to trick people or anything. It's more business related - like convincing people about ideas, selling services to people and stuff like that.
Read books by Robert Greene!

Read books by Eben Pagan.

Read books on psychology and how the mind works.

You can also just watch videos on all those things; youtube is your friend.
Read books by Robert Greene!

Read books by Eben Pagan.

Read books on psychology and how the mind works.

You can also just watch videos on all those things; youtube is your friend.

Thanks very much, just looked up Robert Greene on Amazon and found The 48 laws of power which sounds really interesting so I am going to start with that.

Didn't mean to be lazy by asking here, its just that I didnt even know what I was looking for :-)
Thanks very much, just looked up Robert Greene on Amazon and found The 48 laws of power which sounds really interesting so I am going to start with that.

Didn't mean to be lazy by asking here, its just that I didnt even know what I was looking for :-)

48 laws of powers is an awesome read! I'd also check out videos/books by Dan Kennedy (direct response copywriter).

Torrents audio books and youtube are your friends ;)

And if you use a pair of good headphones and this hack below then you'll be able to go through the audio book in a day.


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I liked "the irresistible offer" by mark joyner, but i haven't read many books on the topic, so I don't know how good it is in comparison.
This is a good one to get started with:
[h=1]Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion[/h]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Influence-Psychology-Robert-PhD-Cialdini/dp/006124189X

There are tons of great books out there but I try to look for ones that focus on Psychology and NLP
there's no way way you can influence other people!
the only thing you can do is to feel good about your self and about others!
what others think about you is non of your business! that's what I think ~!

THAT is what you think? Are you aware of human history, of anyone/any product/any object/any idea...ever? Are you sentient?
This is a good one to get started with:
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion


There are tons of great books out there but I try to look for ones that focus on Psychology and NLP

Second that, absolutely eye opening book. I've just started reading the 'Charisma Myth' which also looks promising so far for your purposes. Charisma is something that I've always been fascinated by, literally translating as 'the gift of gods'.
One of my new years resolutions is to be more assertive, improve when it comes to influencing other people etc and I just wondered if anyone has any recommendations relating to this subject - preferably audio books or videos but actual books also are fine.

I have read this book which was very interesting:

And also am listening to Straight line persuasion for the second time which is really inspiring.

Really looking for other books about how to influence people OR books about great influencers.

I'd recommend all Robert Greene's work first and foremost, also the only way you can become influential is to be a person that people respect and demonstrate leadership qualities.

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So far so good with the 48 laws of power - this seems to be exactly what I was looking for.

After that one I will read Psychology of persuasion.

I am going to mention another book as well seeing as this thread is attracting some attention:
Thinking fast and slow.

Its not about power but it is about the psychology of the human mind and it ties in well with a lot of other material that I have read on psychology of sales and so on.
Join the place.bz my friend. I'll send you a free invite if you want (it's a private torrent sharing community).

They have lots of NLP, covert hypnotism, pickup, psychology and self-improvement material.